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Old 10-26-2007, 05:05 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2007
Posts: 7

Rep: Reputation: 0
Problem with kernel creation

I am stuck with one problem after having installed a new Linux kernel .
I am able to reach the point where i enter the username and password . After which i dont see the desktop icons and stuff like that . I have given the step[ by step procedure i followed to create the new kernel.

I copied the tarball to /usr/src. Then i use these commands in the same order. I run the commands as a root user.

# make menuconfig
# make dep
# make clean
# make bzImage
# cp/usr/src/linux/ /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.35
# make modules
# make modules_install
Now i configure grub by adding the following lines
title Red Hat Linux(2.4.35)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.35 ro root=/dev/hda2
Here i come to the end of the procedure.
I have not touched upon mkinitrd. Is it necessary??? Then how should i do it?

This was what was already in the grub.conf

default = 0
timeout = 10
splash image = (hd0,0) /grub/splashxpm.gz
title FedoraCore(2.4.22-1.2115.nptl)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb

now my partition details are like this(what - where - filesystem)

/boot /dev/hda1 ext2
root /dev/hda2 ext2
swap /dev/hdc1 swap

So what should i do next??
Old 10-26-2007, 05:38 AM   #2
Senior Member
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Try using the last step when build the kernel: make install

FYI: cp/usr/src/linux/ /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.35 is not needed or editing the grub.conf file are needed when using this command.

One should do the following in order to build a kernel for the Red Hat family;

make mrproper
make oldconfig
make menuconfig
make modules_install
make install

The make oldconfig command basically presets the kernel configuration for the system being used.


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