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Old 02-03-2011, 11:51 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2011
Distribution: Back Track,Fedora,centos
Posts: 240

Rep: Reputation: 14
problem: Wind River Linux is not detecting the network cards (network interfaces)

hello experts,
i am using Wind River Linux and have to do some assignments, for which i need WR Linux to connect to a network. But it is not detecting the interface both- the inbuilt and external. When I executed the command
service network restart-- it says :

Bringing up interface eth0: device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization [FAILED]

and same for eth1.
is this a driver problem ? if yes, how should i install driver for WR Linux i dont have a CD ?

Also it is not executing ifconfig, if i press <enter> after ifconfig it gets back to the prompt. I tried su, su -, su -root, su root, none of them shows me the login prompt. I have logged in as root/root (default id & password). Thanks in advance.


Last edited by NM04; 02-04-2011 at 12:23 AM. Reason: found some more problems.
Old 02-04-2011, 01:39 AM   #2
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Try "ifconfig -a" first. Wrap your output in [code] & [/code], and post it here. Read the man page for ifconfig while you're waiting for a reply.
If all you see is an interface named "lo", you have bigger problems friend.
Old 02-04-2011, 02:41 AM   #3
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thanx for your reply, but i am a newbie in linux, i didn't got the meaning of
. Also I executed
"ifconfig -a"
it worked & you were correct, what i have got is only "lo". What is the big problem you were signalling to ?

Old 02-04-2011, 02:57 AM   #4
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Well, that much is obvious, isn't it? (it's right under your name)

The [code] & [/code] tags are what you put at the beginning and end of output that you copy-n-paste into the window so your posts don't look like garbled mess.

In order to actually put [code] & [/code] into a post, you just type them. However, if you want the tags to show up in a post that you type, you have to wrap [noparse] & [/noparse] around them.
That way, it looks like this in your post; [noparse][code][/noparse]
I would suggest you familiarize yourself with how to use LQ, which will help you in asking questions. There's a section on "how to post" (I know that sounds really, really low-brow, but hey, even I learned a lot from it).

If you already know how to use BBcode to format a post, you can just skip to the list of supported tags here.

Your Problem
Your Linux system doesn't recognize any network interfaces, hence why the loopback ("lo") is the only interface you seen when you typed "ifconfig -a".
Run the following (this should tell us if there are *any* NICs on the box);
for BUSID in $(lspci|awk '{IGNORECASE=1} /net/ {print $1}');do lspci -s $BUSID -m;lspci -s $BUSID -n;done

Last edited by xeleema; 02-04-2011 at 03:01 AM.
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Old 02-04-2011, 03:05 AM   #5
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ok i will learn how to post, but for now can you tell me what is the big problem with my WR Linux ?
as you said i executed the "ifconfig -a" and got the same result as you mentioned i.e "lo" interface, what's next ?

Old 02-04-2011, 03:56 AM   #6
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Yes, if you read my whole post, you would have seen this;
Your Problem
Your Linux system doesn't recognize any network interfaces, hence why the loopback ("lo") is the only interface you seen when you typed "ifconfig -a".
Run the following (this should tell us if there are *any* NICs on the box);
for BUSID in $(lspci|awk '{IGNORECASE=1} /net/ {print $1}');do lspci -s $BUSID -m;lspci -s $BUSID -n;done
Old 02-04-2011, 04:29 AM   #7
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sorry for that, i executed the first code it returned back to the prompt, and for the second and third code it said:
lspci: -s: invalid slot number.

Old 02-04-2011, 05:44 AM   #8
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Okay, how about just the output of "lspci" and maybe "uname -a" with a "cat /etc/*release" and a "uptime".
Don't forget the [code] & [/code] tags.

If you're feeling really frisky, you could paste the output of "dmesg" (but don't dare forget those code tags on that one).
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Old 02-04-2011, 06:26 AM   #9
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Follow these steps:

1.) /sbin/ifconfig lo up // First you have to bring UP the loop-back.

2.) /sbin/ifconfig eth0 <your IP> up // Second set IP for your NIC

3.) /sbin/route add -net <gw ip> netmask <netmask> eth0 // Third to connect it through network add Gateway address.

Note: If these commands throws any error. pl paste the error here.

Also share us the OS Version and Arch details.
Old 02-04-2011, 06:50 AM   #10
Registered: Jan 2011
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 outputs are as follows:
00:00.0 Class 0600:Unknown device 8086:29c0 (rev10)
00:01.0 Class 0604:Unknown device 8086:29c1 (rev10)
00:02.0 Class 0300:Unknown device 8086:29c2 (rev10)
00:01b.0 Class 0403:Unknown device 8086:27d8 (rev01)
a total of 18 entries with slight changes.

uname -a:
Linux localhost #1 PREEMPT Fri JAN 21 17:05:27 i686 i686 i386 GNU/LINUX

cat /etc/*release:
Wind River Linux

17:16:33 up 6:32, 1 user load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

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Old 02-04-2011, 06:59 AM   #11
Registered: Jan 2011
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outputs are as follows :
/sbin/ifconfig lo up: no error it came back to the prompt.

/sbin/ifconfig eth0 <your IP> up::error --> 
eth0:error while getting interface flags : No such device

/sbin/route add -net <gw ip> netmask <netmask> eth0:: error::
netmask: host name lookup failure

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Old 02-04-2011, 07:07 AM   #12
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Whoa! 2.6.27? That's from 17feb2009, almost a year old.
There's two things going on here;

1) The kernel doesn't support your hardware.
2) The kernel doesn't have a module (or built-in) for your hardware.
3) You need to get a newer release of "Wind River Linux" (if possible)
4) If you really feel like jumping in and tearing things apart with your teeth, you could always compile and install a new kernel.

As Wind River Linux seems to be a commercial Linux distribution (without an uncrippled free download available), I'd suggest you visit their website and hit their support forum (if they have one). I know there's a Developer forum, but that'd just be mean of me to link to.
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Old 02-04-2011, 07:13 AM   #13
Registered: Jan 2011
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thanks for your reply, earlier i thought of the same, and your conclusion proved it. I will built and will integrate the h/w support in the kernel.

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Old 02-04-2011, 07:17 AM   #14
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Sounds great!
Your post from earlier looks good, too. Very easy to read!
Notice that I have marked your posts as "HelpFul", and this has resulted in a "Reputation" gain for you.
You now have a little green box under your name. Here's why.

P.S: If you see a post that has been helpful to you, mark it as helpful. The more "helpful" a post is, the better the chance someone else with your problem will see the "helpful" post! Also, if your problem is solved, there's a "Thread Tools" section at the very, very top of the page, where you can mark your thread [SOLVED].

Last edited by xeleema; 02-04-2011 at 07:19 AM.
Old 11-29-2013, 03:29 AM   #15
LQ Newbie
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i used this
for BUSID in $(lspci|awk '{IGNORECASE=1} /net/ {print $1}');do lspci -s $BUSID -m;lspci -s $BUSID -n;done
and got this output
02:01.0 "Ethernet controller" "Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]" "79c970 [PCnet32 LANCE]" -r10 "Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]" "PCnet - Fast 79C971"
02:01.0 0200: 1022:2000 (rev 10)
so please help me with the further steps so that my network card gets working...
thanks in advance.


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