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-   -   Problem on Installation of Bugzilla ( 07-10-2013 05:09 AM

Problem on Installation of Bugzilla

I am installing the Bugzilla 4.4 on linux machine .
I have done all the required configuration for Bugzilla 4.4 on Linux machine .
When I am executing the ./ .it shows “Now that you have installed Bugzilla”(output is attached ).
But when accessing the Bugzilla with http://localhost/bugzilla/ I am getting the below error

Software error:
Can't locate Params/ in @INC (@INC contains: . lib /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DateTime/TimeZone/ line 13.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DateTime/TimeZone/ line 13.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/ line 20.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DateTime/TimeZone/ line 10.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DateTime/ line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/DateTime/ line 12.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/ line 28.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/ line 28.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/Auth/ line 15.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/Auth/ line 15.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 25) line 3.
...propagated at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ line 85.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/ line 10.
Compilation failed in require at Bugzilla/ line 23.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at Bugzilla/ line 23.
Compilation failed in require at line 23.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 23.
Compilation failed in require at /var/www/html/bugzilla/index.cgi line 19.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /var/www/html/bugzilla/index.cgi line 19.

Please suggest what is the issue . Thanks in advanced.

eklavya 07-10-2013 05:16 AM

what is the output of

Don't write it, just paste.

Run this command.

perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Bundle::Bugzilla"' 07-10-2013 05:22 AM

[root@NHCLT-PC806-1 bugzilla]# ./
* This is Bugzilla 4.4 on perl 5.8.8
* Running on Linux 2.6.18-308.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 17:40:09 EST 2012

Checking perl modules...
Checking for (v3.51) ok: found v3.63
Checking for Digest-SHA (any) ok: found v5.85
Checking for TimeDate (v2.23) ok: found v2.24
Checking for DateTime (v0.28) ok: found v0.50
Checking for DateTime-TimeZone (v0.71) ok: found v1.33
Checking for DBI (v1.54) ok: found v1.627
Checking for Template-Toolkit (v2.22) ok: found v2.24
Checking for Email-Send (v2.04) ok: found v2.05
Checking for Email-MIME (v1.904) ok: found v1.920
Checking for URI (v1.37) ok: found v1.60
Checking for List-MoreUtils (v0.32) ok: found v0.33
Checking for Math-Random-ISAAC (v1.0.1) ok: found v1.004

Checking available perl DBD modules...
Checking for DBD-Pg (v2.7.0) found v1.49
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.023
Checking for DBD-SQLite (v1.29) not found
Checking for DBD-Oracle (v1.19) not found

The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for GD (v1.20) not found
Checking for Chart (v2.1) not found
Checking for Template-GD (any) not found
Checking for GDTextUtil (any) not found
Checking for GDGraph (any) not found
Checking for MIME-tools (v5.406) not found
Checking for libwww-perl (any) ok: found v2.033
Checking for XML-Twig (any) ok: found v3.26
Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.6) not found
Checking for perl-ldap (any) ok: found v0.33
Checking for Authen-SASL (any) not found
Checking for Net-SMTP-SSL (v1.01) not found
Checking for RadiusPerl (any) not found
Checking for SOAP-Lite (v0.712) not found
Checking for JSON-RPC (any) ok: found v1.03
Checking for JSON-XS (v2.0) not found
Checking for Test-Taint (any) not found
Checking for HTML-Parser (v3.40) ok: found v3.55
Checking for HTML-Scrubber (any) not found
Checking for Encode (v2.21) found v2.12
Checking for Encode-Detect (any) not found
Checking for Email-Reply (any) not found
Checking for HTML-FormatText-WithLinks (v0.13) not found
Checking for TheSchwartz (any) not found
Checking for Daemon-Generic (any) not found
Checking for mod_perl (v1.999022) ok: found v2.000004
Checking for Apache-SizeLimit (v0.96) not found
Checking for File-MimeInfo (any) not found
Checking for IO-stringy (any) not found
Checking for mod_headers (any) ok
Checking for mod_expires (any) ok
Checking for mod_env (any) ok
* Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by *
* installing the latest version you gain access to additional *
* features. *
* *
* The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below, *
* with the name of the feature they enable. Below that table are the *
* commands to install each module. *
* GD * Graphical Reports, New Charts, Old Charts *
* Chart * New Charts, Old Charts *
* Template-GD * Graphical Reports *
* GDTextUtil * Graphical Reports *
* GDGraph * Graphical Reports *
* MIME-tools * Move Bugs Between Installations *
* PatchReader * Patch Viewer *
* Authen-SASL * SMTP Authentication *
* Net-SMTP-SSL * SSL Support for SMTP *
* RadiusPerl * RADIUS Authentication *
* SOAP-Lite * XML-RPC Interface *
* JSON-XS * Make JSON-RPC Faster *
* Test-Taint * JSON-RPC Interface, XML-RPC Interface *
* HTML-Scrubber * More HTML in Product/Group Descriptions *
* Encode * Automatic charset detection for text attachments *
* Encode-Detect * Automatic charset detection for text attachments *
* Email-Reply * Inbound Email *
* HTML-FormatText-WithLinks * Inbound Email *
* TheSchwartz * Mail Queueing *
* Daemon-Generic * Mail Queueing *
* Apache-SizeLimit * mod_perl *
* File-MimeInfo * Sniff MIME type of attachments *
* IO-stringy * Sniff MIME type of attachments *

GD: /usr/bin/perl GD
Chart: /usr/bin/perl Chart::Lines
Template-GD: /usr/bin/perl Template::Plugin::GD::Image
GDTextUtil: /usr/bin/perl GD::Text
GDGraph: /usr/bin/perl GD::Graph
MIME-tools: /usr/bin/perl MIME::Parser
PatchReader: /usr/bin/perl PatchReader
Authen-SASL: /usr/bin/perl Authen::SASL
Net-SMTP-SSL: /usr/bin/perl Net::SMTP::SSL
RadiusPerl: /usr/bin/perl Authen::Radius
SOAP-Lite: /usr/bin/perl SOAP::Lite
JSON-XS: /usr/bin/perl JSON::XS
Test-Taint: /usr/bin/perl Test::Taint
HTML-Scrubber: /usr/bin/perl HTML::Scrubber
Encode: /usr/bin/perl Encode
Encode-Detect: /usr/bin/perl Encode::Detect
Email-Reply: /usr/bin/perl Email::Reply
HTML-FormatText-WithLinks: /usr/bin/perl HTML::FormatText::WithLinks
TheSchwartz: /usr/bin/perl TheSchwartz
Daemon-Generic: /usr/bin/perl Daemon::Generic
Apache-SizeLimit: /usr/bin/perl Apache2::SizeLimit
File-MimeInfo: /usr/bin/perl File::MimeInfo::Magic
IO-stringy: /usr/bin/perl IO::Scalar

To attempt an automatic install of every required and optional module
with one command, do:

/usr/bin/perl --all

Reading ./localconfig...

OPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to be able to use the 'difference between two
patches' feature of Bugzilla (which requires the PatchReader Perl module
as well), you should install patchutils from:

Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.023
Checking for MySQL (v5.0.15) ok: found v5.0.77

*** It appears that you still have an old index.html hanging around.
Either the contents of this file should be moved into a template and
placed in the './template/en/custom' directory, or you should delete
the file.

which: no qmail-inject in (/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)
Removing existing compiled templates...
Precompiling templates...done.
Fixing file permissions...

Now that you have installed Bugzilla, you should visit the 'Parameters'
page (linked in the footer of the Administrator account) to ensure it
is set up as you wish - this includes setting the 'urlbase' option to
the correct URL. complete.

bradvan 07-10-2013 05:24 AM

Check the permissions on the /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8 and /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 and the various perl modules you installed. After installing a module I usually run:

for f in $(perl -e 'print join "\n", @INC;'); do if [ ${f} != '.' ]; then cd ${f};echo "Working in ${f}";find . -type d ! -perm /o+r -exec chmod 755 {} \; -print;fi;done

eklavya 07-10-2013 05:27 AM

Have you tried to run this command?

# perl -MCPAN -e 'install "Bundle::Bugzilla"' 07-10-2013 05:30 AM

No I have not run this command.
I have installed all perl module manually by the following command

# cd /home/download
# gzip -d XML-Parser-2.36.tar.gz
# tar xvf XML-Parser-2.36.tar
# cd XML-Parser-2.36
# perl Makefile.PL
# make
# make test
# make install

bradvan 07-10-2013 05:39 AM

Did you check the permissions? Because of our security policies, my umask has to be very restrictive and installing perl modules leaves them unable to be read by "others." So, I run the above to grant that. It could simply be a permission problem. :) 07-10-2013 05:48 AM


when i am executing the command

for f in $(perl -e 'print join "\n", @INC;'); do if [ ${f} != '.' ]; then cd ${f};echo "Working in ${f}";find .-type d ! -perm /o+r -exec chmod 755 {} \; -print;fi;done

getting the message ---->

Working in /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi
find: .-type: No such file or directory
find: d: No such file or directory
Working in /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8
find: .-type: No such file or directory
find: d: No such file or directory
Working in /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl
find: .-type: No such file or directory
find: d: No such file or directory
Working in /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi
find: .-type: No such file or directory
find: d: No such file or directory
Working in /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8
find: .-type: No such file or directory
find: d: No such file or directory
Working in /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl
find: .-type: No such file or directory
find: d: No such file or directory
Working in /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi
find: .-type: No such file or directory
find: d: No such file or directory
Working in /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8
find: .-type: No such file or directory
find: d: No such file or directory

What i have change ?
Anil Kumar

eklavya 07-10-2013 05:56 AM

While running ./, it asks for user info to create administration account, we have to fill info in it.

Looks like we don't have an administrator set up yet. Either this is
your first time using Bugzilla, or your administrator's privileges
might have accidentally been deleted.

Enter the e-mail address of the administrator:
Enter the real name of the administrator: testname
Enter a password for the administrator account:
Please retype the password to verify: is now set up as an administrator.
Creating initial dummy product 'TestProduct'...

Now that you have installed Bugzilla, you should visit the 'Parameters'
page (linked in the footer of the Administrator account) to ensure it
is set up as you wish - this includes setting the 'urlbase' option to
the correct URL. complete.
Did you get these options?

bradvan 07-10-2013 05:57 AM

You are missing a space between the period and the dash. It should be "find . -type" and not "find .-type" :) 07-10-2013 06:03 AM

Yes i got all this option and set the value accordingly.
Output of ./ is below.

[root@NHCLT-PC806-1 bugzilla]# ./
* This is Bugzilla 4.4 on perl 5.8.8
* Running on Linux 2.6.18-308.el5PAE #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 17:40:09 EST 2012

Checking perl modules...
Checking for (v3.51) ok: found v3.63
Checking for Digest-SHA (any) ok: found v5.85
Checking for TimeDate (v2.23) ok: found v2.24
Checking for DateTime (v0.28) ok: found v0.50
Checking for DateTime-TimeZone (v0.71) ok: found v1.33
Checking for DBI (v1.54) ok: found v1.627
Checking for Template-Toolkit (v2.22) ok: found v2.24
Checking for Email-Send (v2.04) ok: found v2.05
Checking for Email-MIME (v1.904) ok: found v1.920
Checking for URI (v1.37) ok: found v1.60
Checking for List-MoreUtils (v0.32) ok: found v0.33
Checking for Math-Random-ISAAC (v1.0.1) ok: found v1.004

Checking available perl DBD modules...
Checking for DBD-Pg (v2.7.0) found v1.49
Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.023
Checking for DBD-SQLite (v1.29) not found
Checking for DBD-Oracle (v1.19) not found

The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for GD (v1.20) not found
Checking for Chart (v2.1) not found
Checking for Template-GD (any) not found
Checking for GDTextUtil (any) not found
Checking for GDGraph (any) not found
Checking for MIME-tools (v5.406) not found
Checking for libwww-perl (any) ok: found v2.033
Checking for XML-Twig (any) ok: found v3.26
Checking for PatchReader (v0.9.6) not found
Checking for perl-ldap (any) ok: found v0.33
Checking for Authen-SASL (any) not found
Checking for Net-SMTP-SSL (v1.01) not found
Checking for RadiusPerl (any) not found
Checking for SOAP-Lite (v0.712) not found
Checking for JSON-RPC (any) ok: found v1.03
Checking for JSON-XS (v2.0) not found
Checking for Test-Taint (any) not found
Checking for HTML-Parser (v3.40) ok: found v3.55
Checking for HTML-Scrubber (any) not found
Checking for Encode (v2.21) found v2.12
Checking for Encode-Detect (any) not found
Checking for Email-Reply (any) not found
Checking for HTML-FormatText-WithLinks (v0.13) not found
Checking for TheSchwartz (any) not found
Checking for Daemon-Generic (any) not found
Checking for mod_perl (v1.999022) ok: found v2.000004
Checking for Apache-SizeLimit (v0.96) not found
Checking for File-MimeInfo (any) not found
Checking for IO-stringy (any) not found
WARNING: We could not check the configuration of Apache. This sometimes
happens when you are not running as root. To see the
problem we ran into, run: /usr/sbin/apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES

* Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by *
* installing the latest version you gain access to additional *
* features. *
* *
* The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below, *
* with the name of the feature they enable. Below that table are the *
* commands to install each module. *
* GD * Graphical Reports, New Charts, Old Charts *
* Chart * New Charts, Old Charts *
* Template-GD * Graphical Reports *
* GDTextUtil * Graphical Reports *
* GDGraph * Graphical Reports *
* MIME-tools * Move Bugs Between Installations *
* PatchReader * Patch Viewer *
* Authen-SASL * SMTP Authentication *
* Net-SMTP-SSL * SSL Support for SMTP *
* RadiusPerl * RADIUS Authentication *
* SOAP-Lite * XML-RPC Interface *
* JSON-XS * Make JSON-RPC Faster *
* Test-Taint * JSON-RPC Interface, XML-RPC Interface *
* HTML-Scrubber * More HTML in Product/Group Descriptions *
* Encode * Automatic charset detection for text attachments *
* Encode-Detect * Automatic charset detection for text attachments *
* Email-Reply * Inbound Email *
* HTML-FormatText-WithLinks * Inbound Email *
* TheSchwartz * Mail Queueing *
* Daemon-Generic * Mail Queueing *
* Apache-SizeLimit * mod_perl *
* File-MimeInfo * Sniff MIME type of attachments *
* IO-stringy * Sniff MIME type of attachments *

GD: /usr/bin/perl GD
Chart: /usr/bin/perl Chart::Lines
Template-GD: /usr/bin/perl Template::Plugin::GD::Image
GDTextUtil: /usr/bin/perl GD::Text
GDGraph: /usr/bin/perl GD::Graph
MIME-tools: /usr/bin/perl MIME::Parser
PatchReader: /usr/bin/perl PatchReader
Authen-SASL: /usr/bin/perl Authen::SASL
Net-SMTP-SSL: /usr/bin/perl Net::SMTP::SSL
RadiusPerl: /usr/bin/perl Authen::Radius
SOAP-Lite: /usr/bin/perl SOAP::Lite
JSON-XS: /usr/bin/perl JSON::XS
Test-Taint: /usr/bin/perl Test::Taint
HTML-Scrubber: /usr/bin/perl HTML::Scrubber
Encode: /usr/bin/perl Encode
Encode-Detect: /usr/bin/perl Encode::Detect
Email-Reply: /usr/bin/perl Email::Reply
HTML-FormatText-WithLinks: /usr/bin/perl HTML::FormatText::WithLinks
TheSchwartz: /usr/bin/perl TheSchwartz
Daemon-Generic: /usr/bin/perl Daemon::Generic
Apache-SizeLimit: /usr/bin/perl Apache2::SizeLimit
File-MimeInfo: /usr/bin/perl File::MimeInfo::Magic
IO-stringy: /usr/bin/perl IO::Scalar

To attempt an automatic install of every required and optional module
with one command, do:

/usr/bin/perl --all

Reading ./localconfig...

OPTIONAL NOTE: If you want to be able to use the 'difference between two
patches' feature of Bugzilla (which requires the PatchReader Perl module
as well), you should install patchutils from:

Checking for DBD-mysql (v4.001) ok: found v4.023
Checking for MySQL (v5.0.15) ok: found v5.0.77

Adding new table bz_schema...
Initializing bz_schema...
Creating tables...
Converting attach_data maximum size to 100G...
Setting up choices for standard drop-down fields:
priority bug_status rep_platform resolution bug_severity op_sys
Creating ./data directory...
Creating ./data/attachments directory...
Creating ./data/db directory...
Creating ./data/extensions directory...
Creating ./data/mining directory...
Creating ./data/webdot directory...
Creating ./graphs directory...
Creating ./skins/custom directory...
Creating ./data/extensions/additional...
Creating ./data/mailer.testfile...
Creating ./Bugzilla/.htaccess...
Creating ./data/.htaccess...
Creating ./data/attachments/.htaccess...
Creating ./data/webdot/.htaccess...
Creating ./graphs/.htaccess...
Creating ./lib/.htaccess...
Creating ./template/.htaccess...
Creating contrib/.htaccess...
Creating t/.htaccess...
Creating xt/.htaccess...
which: no qmail-inject in (/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)
Precompiling templates...done.
Fixing file permissions...
Initializing "Dependency Tree Changes" email_setting ...
Initializing "Product/Component Changes" email_setting ...
Marking closed bug statuses as such...
Creating default classification 'Unclassified'...
Setting up foreign keys...
Setting up the default status workflow...
Creating default groups...
Setting up user preferences...

Looks like we don't have an administrator set up yet. Either this is
your first time using Bugzilla, or your administrator's privileges
might have accidentally been deleted.

Enter the e-mail address of the administrator:
Enter the real name of the administrator:
Enter a password for the administrator account:
Please retype the password to verify: is now set up as an administrator.
Creating initial dummy product 'TestProduct'...

Now that you have installed Bugzilla, you should visit the 'Parameters'
page (linked in the footer of the Administrator account) to ensure it
is set up as you wish - this includes setting the 'urlbase' option to
the correct URL. complete.
[root@NHCLT-PC806-1 bugzilla]#

bradvan 07-12-2013 04:45 AM

What did you have to do to get it working? 07-12-2013 05:06 AM

Hi bradva ,Problem is not resolved yet .waiting for some solution which will do the bugzilla running.

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 03:14 AM.