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Old 11-07-2009, 07:55 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2009
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Problem "No rule to make target"

hi all, i am completely new to linux.
when i run "make snark" command its gives me following error

make: *** No rule to make target `org/klomp/snark/', needed by `snark'. Stop.

i have check file is present in the folder and compiled suceefully.

Can any1 help me

Many Regards
Old 11-07-2009, 08:00 AM   #2
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Are you sure 'make snark' is the correct command ? ... usually its something like 'make', 'make clean', 'make test', 'make install' etc
Old 11-07-2009, 08:06 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for Reply, i am going mad with this.
I think so here is read me file

The GNU Compiler for java (gcj) version 3.3 or later.
(Earlier versions have a faulty SHA message digest implementation.)
On Debian GNU/Linux based distributions just install the gcj-3.3 package.
Edit the GCJ variable in the Makefile if your gcj binary is not gcj-3.3.

Typing 'make' will create the native snark binary and a snark.jar file
for use with traditional java byte code interpreters.

It is possible to compile the sources with other java compilers
like jikes or kjc to produce the snark.jar file. Edit the JAVAC and
JAVAC_FLAGS variables on top of the Makefile for this. And type
'make snark.jar' to create a jar file that can be used by traditional
java bytecode interpreters like kaffe: 'kaffe -jar snark.jar'.
You will need at least version 1.1 of kaffe for all functionality to work
correctly ('--share' does not work with older versions).

When trying out the experimental Gnome frontend you also need the java-gnome
bindings. On Debian GNU/Linux systems install the package libgnome0-java.
You can try it out by typing 'make snark-gnome' and then run ''
like you would with the normal command line client.


To use the program start it with:

snark [--debug [level]] [--no-commands] [--port <port>]
[--share (<ip>|<host>)] (<url>|<file>|<dir>)
--debug Shows some extra info and stacktraces.
level How much debug details to show
(defaults to 3, with --debug to 4, highest level is 6).
--no-commands Don't read interactive commands or show usage info.
--port The port to listen on for incomming connections
(if not given defaults to first free port between 6881-6889).
--share Start torrent tracker on <ip> address or <host> name.
<url> URL pointing to .torrent metainfo file to download/share.
<file> Either a local .torrent metainfo file to download
or (with --share) a file to share.
<dir> A directory with files to share (needs --share).

or weblink is

thanks again please help me out...
Old 11-07-2009, 08:16 AM   #4
LQ Addict
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It seems like you either have to run "make" or "make snark.jar".
Old 11-07-2009, 08:20 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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this happen when i run make or make snark.jar

cca-ug04-0906% make
make: *** No rule to make target `org/klomp/snark/', needed by `snark'. Stop.
cca-ug04-0906% make snark.jar
mkdir dist
mkdir dist/classes
make: *** No rule to make target `org/klomp/snark/', needed by `snark-classes'. Stop.
Old 11-08-2009, 03:39 AM   #6
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