I am new to Linux and I am accesing a remote Linux VPS box running CentOS 4.5. I am using Putty to connect.
I have problem installing Enemy Territory.
Here are the steps I took:
1. login as root
2. cd tmp
3. wget
4. chmod 775 et-linux-2.60.x86.run
5. sh et-linux-2.60.x86.run
Then, the following error appears:
"./et-linux-2.60.x86.run: ./setup.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied"
I been scouring through the net for this remedy. Most of them talk about chmod. However, I have tried all kinds and fault persists.
Please help me here. I am going crazy. I have spent 2 days on it and I still don't see the light.
P.S. I remembered installing it successfully on a trial Linux server. But I forgot how