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Old 01-05-2005, 04:54 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 11

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Lightbulb Problem in update The DNS Server Record Dynamically


Currently I am using your updatedd code for updating DDNS server records. I have downloaded this source code from this site.

I have to update DNS server record. For this purpose, I have configured my system PC as DNS Server (BIND 9.3.0).
In order to configure my system as the DNS Server, I have included records in a zone file for example which contains records as given below:

Star „³193.167.100.232
(hostname of other PC)-> (corresponding IP address of that machine)

I have to update this IP address to 212 in the zone file using your code.
Your code ¡§dyndns.h¡¨ contains

I believe this represents the name to which the IP address is to be sent for updation. Hence I redefined this as

where is the domain name of my Server system. When I run your code I am receiving the error ¡§ Internal Server Error¡¨. I believe this is because BIND does not send any HTTP responses.

So when the DYNDNSHOST is defined as, is acting as the server or it acts as an intermediate proxy which receives the HTTP request sent by the updated code, sends appropriate request to some server on the net to change the IP address, forms an appropriate response based on the change made by the DNS server and then sends that response to the updatedd code?

Sir, I have some confusion¡K
Q.1 Does this code update the DDNS server records or
Once I run updated, it calls the services like dyndns in my system, which finds the current IP address, connects to site and sends this IP address to the which then updates some DNS Server on the net?
What exactly does your code do?

Q.2 Can I update the DNS server record in my system, without taking the help of I find that throughout the code references are made (hardcoded) to So is this code entirely dependant on

Kindly help me to solve the problem of DDNS Server.

Thanks and Regards,
Old 01-05-2005, 02:58 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2003
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