hello aaa,
Thank you very much for your help!
I've been searching for article like
this (i.e. same as my problem) all
over the internet, but I couldn't find
any. I guess I didn't specify my search
correctly before...
Would you happen to know how to let
Windows2000 format my 2nd HDD?
Once this is done, I'll re-install my RH8
on my 2nd HDD WITHOUT erasing my
vfat (or win2k) partition. I'll just add
the RH8 partition...
Come to think of it... I bought 2 HDDs
with my new PC purchase just to avoid
messing up with one o/s over the other...
Now I realize I'll have to share linux
with win2k on the same physical HDD...
May be I should have spent the $ and
bought myself a laptop PC instead of
a desktop with AMD64 and 2 HDDs...
* silly me *
Thank you once again for your help...