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Old 02-19-2004, 08:58 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 15

Rep: Reputation: 0
problem after dual-boot installation

Hello everyone,

I have installed win2k in my 1st physical HDD first,
and then installed RH8 Linux in my 2nd HDD.
After the o/s installation, I have realized it takes
much longer to boot up in win2k environment
(when compared to just win2k installed w/o RH8).

It seems like win2k tries to search for my 2nd HDD
during startup/bootup and at desktop.

Can you give me some advice on how to fix this

Background info:
When I installed RH8 Linux, I chose to erase the
existing vfat (win2k format) in my 2nd HDD during
my RH8 installation.

Come to think of it, should I leave the vfat format
and just "add/partition" for ext3 (for linux) spacing
during my RH8 installation?

Now that I've installed RH8, is there a way for me
to add a SMALL vfat (win2k format) partition in my
2nd HDD now?

Thanks in advance.

Old 02-19-2004, 11:25 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: VA
Distribution: Slack 10.1
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If the Win2k is on an NTFS partition, make a vfat (FAT32) one since Linux can't write to NTFS.
Win2k sometimes gets confused when it encounters partitions it never heard of. It trys to search for new partitions at startup, and gets thrown off by the linux ones. Search here (and elsewhere), I think there is a registry fix or something to keep Win2k from doing this.
Edit: making a vfat partiton also may fix this, see:

Last edited by aaa; 02-19-2004 at 11:32 AM.
Old 02-19-2004, 02:40 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 15

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Rep: Reputation: 0
hello aaa,

Thank you very much for your help!
I've been searching for article like
this (i.e. same as my problem) all
over the internet, but I couldn't find
any. I guess I didn't specify my search
correctly before...

Would you happen to know how to let
Windows2000 format my 2nd HDD?

Once this is done, I'll re-install my RH8
on my 2nd HDD WITHOUT erasing my
vfat (or win2k) partition. I'll just add
the RH8 partition...

Come to think of it... I bought 2 HDDs
with my new PC purchase just to avoid
messing up with one o/s over the other...
Now I realize I'll have to share linux
with win2k on the same physical HDD...

May be I should have spent the $ and
bought myself a laptop PC instead of
a desktop with AMD64 and 2 HDDs...

* silly me *

Thank you once again for your help...

Old 02-19-2004, 02:57 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 15

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Hello aaa,

Sorry for my last long post.
I'll try to keep this short...

1) Can I install a small win2k partition
at the beginning of my 2nd physical
HDD without erasing my 2nd HDD?
If yes, how can I do this?

2) If no, I guess I'll let win2k partition
my 2nd HDD; then re-install RH8...
Can you tell me how to partition my
2nd HDD with win2k???

Thanks again for your help.

Yours sincerely,
Old 02-19-2004, 02:59 PM   #5
LQ Guru
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: VA
Distribution: Slack 10.1
Posts: 2,194

Rep: Reputation: 47
Would you happen to know how to let
Windows2000 format my 2nd HDD?
(this from xp, 2k is similar)
Control Panel -> Computer Management -> Disk Manager
Windows cannot partition without destroying stuff, backup or use a nondestructive partitioner like Partition Magic.


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