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Old 12-19-2009, 01:05 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Location: Burlington, VT
Distribution: RHEL 5, Fedora 11 and Ubuntu
Posts: 22

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Printer configuration tool in RHEL 5 not working as given

Hi I am new to Linux administration and I am trying to set up a network printer on my new RHEl5-cluster. I was missing system-config-printer before and then installed one using yum. I started the printer configuration tool by typing the command - system-config-printer and tool gui has opened too. But I don't see the new printer button active and the only active buttons are go-to-server and refresh.

I suspect that I am missing some packages. Please guide me through this process and let me know what should I install before it gets working. Here the printer is available on the network managed by a window server.

Thanks, Sen
Old 12-19-2009, 02:43 PM   #2
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check to ensure that cupsd is started. You can find this out by running the following from a terminal.
ps aux | grep cupsd
Old 12-21-2009, 09:35 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Location: Burlington, VT
Distribution: RHEL 5, Fedora 11 and Ubuntu
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yes, CUPS doesn't seem to be on, Now I started cups service using the following command

# /sbin/service cups start

and I also executed the following command to start cups on booting

# /sbin/chkconfig cups on

it works now

Thanks for the help


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