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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 02-02-2005, 05:44 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: South Carolina
Distribution: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
Posts: 83

Rep: Reputation: 15
Please help a newb UNinstall fedora 3 and get XP back

hello anyone and everyone

im afraid im made a huge mistake!! By not doing any research and diving head first into the world of linux by the way of Fedora3. I have no experiance with Linux and I know I should have done a dual-boot with xp but thought id give a full install a shot

Ive been doing some research and have come across some articles that have said to delete the partitions using Fdisk /mbr? problem is..I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO GET THERE TO WHAT IT IS.

shoot i dont even know how to log in as a root for crying out loud!!

If someone could provide me with "easy" to use instructions step by step to uninstall linux and install XP this would be awesome!!

The only reason i want to get rid of linux is to go ahead and set up a dual boot system so i can "learn" linux and still have access to XP to do regular day things until im comfortable with linux.

ok iv gone on far too long..if anyone can help it would much appriciated. im flippin out over here

Old 02-02-2005, 06:27 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: uk
Distribution: CentOS / Ubuntu
Posts: 22

Rep: Reputation: 15
pharmd fdisk /mbr will only erase your master boot record.... meaning u wont even get to boot into linux.
boot from winxp cd...just like a normal install...will give u the option to delete the linux partitions before installing xp...
Old 02-02-2005, 06:50 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2005
Location: South Carolina
Distribution: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS
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i tried booting from the xp cd..says inspecting hardware configeration and then im left with a black screen and nothing happens
Old 02-02-2005, 06:54 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: uk
Distribution: CentOS / Ubuntu
Posts: 22

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do u have any partition software?? (partition magic etc..etc...)
or if u have a win98 cd boot it 'with cd support' under win98, fdisk and delete partitions from there

umm i have never had a problem booting a xp disk with linux partitions...did u try it more than once?? as its a MS prog!!!
Old 02-02-2005, 07:05 PM   #5
Registered: Oct 2004
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Distribution: Vector Linux 5.1 Std., Vector Linux 5.8 Std., Win2k, XP, OS X (10.4 & 10.5)
Posts: 344

Rep: Reputation: 42
If you do not have a floppy boot disk for windows download UBCD to boot your box back up.

Do you have a full MS XP CD or is it an OEM "rescue" disc?

You may also have to go into the bios to change the boot order from:

A:, C:, D:

to D: A: C:

The D: drive is typically the Cd-rom drive. Don't panic if the CD-rom has a different letter just change the boot order to the appropriate drive letter and the MS disc should work.

Be advised that you may have call Microsoft to re-activate your registry key.

Do Not tell them that you nuked XP for a linux install. Tell them that you got zapped by a virus and had to do full clean install to eliminate malware.

Good Luck

you're going to need it.


Last edited by thorn168; 02-02-2005 at 07:13 PM.


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