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cclavey 03-24-2003 11:17 AM

Piece of Linksys Cra*!
OK, it's official, I *hate* linksys. The WUSB11 has given me nothing but problems. I successfully managed to download and install the drivers. Now, I boot up, run modprobe usbvnetr, modprobe uhci, depmod -a, and then dmesg. Now, this is what kills me, sometimes, dmesg tells me that the USB has been restarted and eth0 is OK, but other times, it says that it is restarting, and then it does nothing! So, even when it ist restarted fine, and eth0 is OK, there are still problems. For example, I try to run lvnet to configure the device. I put in the SSID, and the system hangs. The same thing happens if I dp iwconfig eth0 essid "...". Can anyone help me fix this POS? So far, I have used the HOWTO at this message: . Any other resources and/or help is appreciated!

Texicle 03-24-2003 02:58 PM

Have you run netconfig as root yet? This will probably help out alot. Also, check to make sure that you've got

/sbin/modprobe usbvnetr
/sbin/modprobe uhci

in your /etc/rc.d/rc.modules file and that they are uncommented. If they're not there, then add them with your favorite text editor.

Also, make sure that you've got

alias eth0 usbvnetr

in your /etc/modules.conf file. This should help your system recognize what it's trying to talk to when you boot up. Hope this helps. :D

cclavey 03-24-2003 06:29 PM

Thanks, I am about ready to throw my WUSB out the window! I'll try that.

Texicle 03-24-2003 10:49 PM

Keep me posted.

cclavey 03-25-2003 08:02 PM

OK, I added those /sbin modprobes, and the puter seems to recognise the usbvnetr at startup. I wonder if it is working, becuase if I use iwconfig, I get an 'eth0 no wireless extension', and if I use lvnet, I get a 'please insert ATMEL card'. On netconfig however, how do I specify the DHCP's ip? Or is that the hostname, what is the hostname (for my machine or the DHCP)? I wonder because at startup, my machine looks for a DHCP, but can't find one.


*Update --- It is, btw, recognising my other NIC card (actually, it is a NI Card, since Network Interface Card Card is redundent :D ). I think that I might just drag my cable modem and router up here to the attic...*

Ethos 03-28-2003 01:05 AM

I'm having the exact same problem, and I'm stuck in the exact same spot. iwconfig tells me the same thing and lwver says to insert a card. I had been following a tutoral at and that got me to where I am now. Unfortunately, after that, I'm stuck. If anyone can be of help, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Texicle 03-28-2003 01:18 AM

In netconfig "hostname" is whatever you want to call your box. Mine is "phrankenstein" :D

You can get your DHCP information from your ISP. I had to call mine up and ask them what the DHCP server name and IP address is. They said, "Windows doesn't need to know that information. All you have to do is plug it up to your modem." I said, "I'm using Linux." They said, "Oh, uhm, let me find that out for you then." ....7 minutes later..."This is the supervisor, what information did you need again?" I said, "I need the DHCP server's name and IP address." He said, "Windows doesn't need to know that information. All you have to do is plug it up to your modem." I said, "I'm using Linux and I've been waiting for this information for about 10 minutes now." He said, "Oh, uhm, let me find that out for you then." He came back on about 2 minutes later with the info. Then he said, "Have you thought about dropping off a resume for our IT Helpdesk?" :D I laughed and dropped one off about a week later--no response after about a month. :rollseyes:

Texicle 03-28-2003 01:22 AM

netconfig should ask you for

"hostname"--enter what you want to
"domain name"--enter your ISP hostname
"primary DNS"--enter primary DNS IP
"secondary DNS"--enter secondary DNS IP
"DHCP name"--enter DHCP server name
"DHCP address"--enter DHCP IP

Bear in mind that it may not specifically ask for Primary/Secondary DNS. I can't really remember if it did or if it just had a couple of fields to fill out for DNS IP addresses. When you run netconfig, everything after "hostname" is all ISP oriented, so you'll need to have that info handy. Hope this helps.:D

cclavey 03-28-2003 04:08 AM

I am working on it, Ill let you know if anyhting new comes up. What distro/kernel do you have?

Ethos 03-28-2003 08:19 AM

Assuming that cclavey's question was directed at me, I'm using Slackware 9.0 with 2.4.20.

lava 03-28-2003 11:58 AM

heheh, heres your problem! USB!
ethernet man! ethernet! much faster too.

cclavey 03-28-2003 12:56 PM

Ethos, sorry about that. Hmm, I heard that most guides only work with the 2.4.2 kernel, so you look good to me. Try here I am working on it...

Texicle 03-28-2003 02:42 PM

cclavey how's yours coming along?

cclavey 03-28-2003 04:47 PM

Well, Spring Break ended, and I haven't had time to work on it lately, but I am planning on getting something done tonight, so I'll post my results.

Ethos 03-28-2003 05:17 PM

In an astonishing turn of events based on nothing but luck, (and removing various lines from /etc/modules.conf and /etc/rc.d/rc.modules) I now seem to have an eth1 interface that almost functions. I'm about to ping my wireless router, but unfortunately anything external to the network does not work. I tried setting the default gateway and a nameserver, but this hasn't seemed to help. Also, for future reference, I had to set the IP address of the adapter manually because dhclient didn't want to admit that it existed.

By using route add default gw <wireless router ip> I was able to ping addresses outside the network. The only thing remaining is to get nameserver lookups working.

Update #2:
It all works perfectly now. Thanks for all of the help, everyone.

cclavey 03-28-2003 05:36 PM


Originally posted by Ethos
, (and removing various lines from /etc/modules.conf and /etc/rc.d/rc.modules)
what lines?


Also, for future reference, I had to set the IP address of the adapter manually because dhclient didn't want to admit that it existed.
how did you manually set the ip, with netconfig?

Please, any/all details would be greatly appreciated!

Ethos 03-29-2003 02:06 AM

All right, these are the steps I took:

1) Installed the Atmel drivers.
2) Made sure that they showed up in lsmod (usbvnetr and uhci)

-This is about the point where I started getting that "Please insert card" message. Following steps seemed to remedy that.

3) Aliased usb-controller to uhci in whichever file that was. I think it's /etc/modules.conf
4) The lines I had previously added to /etc/rc.d/rc.modules:
/sbin/modprobe usbvnetr
/sbin/modprove uhci
I commented those out, after having previously enabled them.
5) Rebooted, drivers and USB device were detected on reboot.
Note that the device shows up in iwconfig at this point, but not ifconfig.
6) Ran dhclient eth1, was told that eth1 isn't a valid interface or something. This is fine, because it allows ifconfig to magically see eth1.
7) Used 'ifconfig eth1 up' to set the IP address of the card.
8) Used 'route add default gw <Router IP>' to set up the routing for the USB wireless NIC.
9) Ran 'iwconfig eth1 mode Managed' because I use what LinkSys dubs an Infrastructure type wireless network (as opposed to Ad-Hoc)
10) Ran 'iwconfig eth1 essid <Router SSID>' to set the ssid to connect to.
11) Just for checking, ran 'iwconfig' and saw that signal strength was acceptable and that it did indeed have the MAC address of my wireless router.
12) Pinged router to make sure it was really there and then pinged external IPs to make sure access to the rest of the world worked.
13) Edited /etc/resolv.conf to contain 'nameserver <NameServer IP>' so that DNS lookups functioned correctly.

Hopefully you'll be able to get yours working. As a total Linux newbie, I'm still kind of lost as to exactly how whatever I did fixed things, but it did. Also, I have to repeat all of the commands every time I reboot the machine, but that's going to be an easy enough fix. If you have further troubles, I'll be happy to try and help if I encountered them during my bout with the USB wireless NIC.

cclavey 03-29-2003 03:35 PM

Thanks. I seem to have improved my probelm. I can now see the router's mac adress and my ssid. Then, I started having one hell of a hard time. Turns out my dad was moving cables around and put the cable into uplink insted. Woops!

cclavey 03-29-2003 04:28 PM

YES! Finally, it works! I am using it to write this message! Thanks everybody! Once I complied the drivers and added the files to /etc/moudules.conf to make it start at boot, all I had to do was put my SSID in using lvnet and then dhcpcd eth1, and voila!

Thanks again!

Texicle 03-30-2003 01:43 AM

Sweet...glad you got it working--both of you.:D

cclavey 03-30-2003 07:35 AM

Thanks for all your help!

petro1 06-05-2003 02:21 AM

I had similar problems with the WUSB11. I described what I did to solve it here

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