Hi folks,
I wonder if its possible with permissions or acl to automaticaly grant permission on new created files and directory for a certain user. The call for
umask just does not fit and I could not find anything like this in the
setfacl man page.
Heres the ruff setup I have and what I want to achieve:
:/$ getfacl /var/www
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: var/www
# owner: root
# group: root
So the user ase is allowed to do everything in /var/www. Now assume another user creates a directory in /var/www. As long as he does not create any files within it ase can delete this directory. But as soon as the other user creates a file within this newly created directory ase is not allowed to delete the directory
:/var/www$ rm ./somestrange/
rm: cannot remove `./somestrange/': Is a directory
:/var/www$ rm ./somestrange/ -r
rm: descend into write-protected directory `./somestrange/'? y
rm: remove write-protected regular empty file `./somestrange/all'? y
rm: cannot remove `./somestrange/all': Permission denied
So is there anyway to automagicly have ase granted the right permissions?
The only thing I can come up with is to have all the user in the same group and set umask to 002 but this does not realy suit me.
Best Regards