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Old 06-26-2003, 05:54 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Location: Big D
Posts: 11

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I can't believe it is so difficult finding info on installing either a serial port to use an extenal modem, or simply getting a pci modem functioning. Extraordinary. When I check hardware for my attached Hayes PCI, I get Timedia Technology found. When I check for Dolphin PCI serial port, I get nothing. I get a whole bunch of SiS(obviously my system came with only USB ports). I believe my problems are port/irq-based. But I lack the knowledge to resolve it and all attempts to use setserial command have failed. Can anyone assess possible problems working with Sony VAIO system that did not come with serial i/o? Thanx! This thread brought to you by Microsoft Windows XP operating system with fully functional pci modem!


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