when you install win98, sometimes it wants to take up the whole disk, thanks to windows and their proprietary scheme. but be sure to make a boot disk for linux before you install windows.
put floppy in a drive and type:
uname -r
this will tell you the kernel version you are running.
then type
mkbootdisk versiongivenbyunamecommand
this way if you install windows and it doesn't try to format whole drive and take over, you can still boot linux. once you do this and if it works reply here and i will try to help you make it dual boot. or just stick floppy in to boot redhat. also, make a boot disk for windows. so if we mess up trying to dual boot, you can stick windows boot disk in and at A: prompt type:
fdisk /mbr
to rewrite your windows master boot record. and that way you will still have floppy to boot linux and we can try to fix the dual boot again. i make mistakes sometimes, but have done what you are looking for. just like to have backup plan in case something goes wrong. good luck.