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Old 08-12-2003, 11:17 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2003
Posts: 11

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Partition Magic address error

I already sent this to Partition Magic tech support but figured I would post it here in case anyone else had the same problem and can help me:

I have just installed Linux so I can dual boot with Windows or Linux. Everything went fine when I was doing the partitioning with that. However, now I want to create another partition to use for sharing files between the two operating systems. I also wanted to add some more space onto my Linux root partition. My current set up is as follows:

primary Windows XP (FAT32)
primary Linux /boot (ext2)
primary Linux / (ext2)
logical Linux /swap (swap)

Using Partition Magic Pro 7 in Windows XP:

I tried to create free unallocated space (1.2 GB) from an unused portion of my windows partition. I then created a new logical FAT32 partition from 200 MB of the unallocated space and placed it at the very end after the swap partition. Next, I had no unused space in my Linux / partition so I assigned the rest of the free space (1 GB) to the Linux / partition.

Next, I asked to apply the changes (which ended up being 9 tasks total), and a box came up explaining how I would have to reboot, I pressed ok and another box came up with the following message:

"Access violation at address 0052DC00 in module 'PMagic.exe.' Read of address 00000008."

I pressed ok and then Partition Magic froze. I was afraid to reboot without ending the program after getting that error message so I ctrl-alt-deleted, went to the task manager, and ended the partition magic program. I then rebooted and was still able to get into both operating systems fine. No partitioning took place.

I am not sure what this message means, I don't see how I should be having problems since all I did was take unused space from Windows XP partition and reassign it to / and to a new partition at the very end of the hard drive.

Any ideas?

Also, if I try to use fdisk instead, does that work ok with windows partitions or can cause problems?

Old 08-13-2003, 12:16 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Mar 2002
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As this looks to be a windoze question, I'm moving it to General, if I'm mistaken feel free to contact me or the Moderators in General to have it moved elsewhere accordingly



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