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Old 01-22-2010, 01:52 AM   #1
Jay Ipsen
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2010
Location: Utah
Distribution: Ubuntu 9.10
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Parsing error in gnucash using ofx online banking setup

I am trying to set up online banking in gnucash in the aqbanking wizard. When I attempt to get account information the following error occurs:

"Status for signon request: Success (Code 0, severity "INFO") The server successfully processed the request.
Status for account info request: Success (Code 0, severity "INFO") The server successfully processed the request.
Error parsing response
Finished. You may close this window."

I have searched the database and seen similar problems, but I haven't been successful in working it out. (I would prefer to get gnucash to work directly with the bank instead of using a different program to download transactions and then import them into gnucash as .ofx files).

I am using ubuntu 9.10, and gnucash 2.2.9, I don't know where to find the version of aqbanking that is used, but it was bundled with the gnucash download.

Thanks for any help.

Jay Ipsen


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