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Old 06-20-2003, 02:24 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Easley, SC, US
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.10, Mandrake 9.2
Posts: 91

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Paritioning (Mandrake 9.1/Diskdrake)

Hello, all. I am an absolutely delighted (but woefully undereducated) Mandrake 9.1 newbie-- it's all I wanted and much more, and I hope to be able to ditch Window$ altogether once I've mastered a few more things.

My immediate concern is this (and I apologize beforehand if I've failed to notice an explicit answer elsewhere on the site): When I installed Mandrake I gave it 4GB of my WinMe partition, which Mandrake split roughly in half for the root (?) and /home paritions. Now that I've really gotten into Linux and am doing more work (and installing more software) with it, I've whittled down my root partition to under 500MB.

What I would LIKE to be able to do is downsize /home (do I _really_ need 1.5GB for it on a single-user system?) and add the space to the root partition (and please, someone correct me if I'm not using the correct terms here). I've studied Diskdrake and have no problem understanding how to unmount and resize, and create NEW partitions-- what I'm wondering is if Diskdrake is capable of _adding_ free space to an _existing_ partition.

Any help would be much appreciated. Installing Linux is the best thing I've ever done for this aging machine.
Old 06-20-2003, 05:21 PM   #2
Registered: Feb 2002
Location: Grenoble
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 9,696

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Yes. You add free space using resize. But the option does not only work - only when the free space is after the partition you'd like to make bigger. So you may need to move some of your current partition to have root partition and the free space in the right place.


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