I like to keep non-system stuff on a separate partition, so I have /home and another partition, /pub that I use. Personal stuff, I organize in /home/<user>.
I keep downloaded stuff in /pub/download with separate folders for tars, bins, rpms, etc.
I usually extract stuff to some temp folder as I toss it after compiling and installing it.
Of course, kernel-source or other source code that needs the tree, I extract to /usr/src or usr/local/src, depending upon what it is.
I recommend something like /home/<user>/documents for notes and umportant stuff you have written.
# Linux filesystem structure
Directory Navigation Help File
Filesystems, Directories, and Devices Help File
Proper Filesystem Layout
# Red Hat links
Red Hat Linux Manuals
Get your
mp3 support here
Maximum RPM
Easier software management:
apt4rpm -
Red Carpet
Red Hat 8.0 Tips & Tricks
# Red Hat 7.3 down configuration commands
setup leads to several configuration tools
# Red Hat 7.3 up configuration commands
Configure soundcard:
Configure X server:
Configure network:
Manage software:
# Handling NTFS
New Technology FileSystem (NTFS) HOWTOs
Linux NTFS project