Hmm .. maybe u just need to learn more bout firewall rules, if u want to open some ports on your machine you have to make sure it won't harm you. Okieee .. if u want to open some ports on your machine you have to add this rule to your firewall rules (i'm using shorewall for my firewall /etc/shorewall/rules) :
.::if u want to allow your local network to access all resources on port TCP 15000
ACCEPT:info loc all tcp 15000
.::if u want to allow access from internet to your firewall on port TCP 15000
ACCEPT:info net fw tcp 15000
.::if u want to forward traffic from internet to other machine (not the firewall machine) on TCP 15000
DNAT net loc:ip.address.other.machine tcp 15000
and so on
okiee dookieee
nuhun euyy