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Old 07-03-2012, 10:28 AM   #1
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Ok you ask for it

The linux version of Ubuntu ( anything after 11.04 ) needs a lot of attention as the floating ICONS over on the left hand side are a royal pain and whom ever thought of them should be given 40 wacks !
I for one WILL NOT upgrade again until the Gnome classic is re added . . The so called fixes for it are fallback or Mint ! . . . Neither one is What I would call even close to Gnome Classic and they put stuff in weird spots that you would not think of looking . . And it is missing the System menu and they put stuff all over the place !
I like the clean look of Gnome Classic every thing has its spot I have been using Ubuntu since way back in 9.04 version .. I thought 10.10 was the GOLD STANDARD and should have been carried forward as it does not ask questions just does it . .
I keep a CD of 10.10 for personal use I have had to revert to it 4 times now as the stuff ( being nice about it ) after 11.04 was total ( Explicative Pronouns DELETED ) crap !
Old 07-03-2012, 10:43 AM   #2
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This is known to work in Ubuntu 12.04LTS so I think you will have to upgrade then run this commands
sudo add-apt-repository "deb
precise main"

sudo apt-get install mate-archive-keyring

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install mate-core

sudo apt-get install mate-desktop-environment
You can see screen shots at this link

Good luck to you.
Old 07-03-2012, 10:43 AM   #3
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No, we didn't ask for it. Please don't make a mess of our site. We don't make Ubuntu, that'll be Canonical.
Old 07-03-2012, 10:46 AM   #4
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What "you" are you speaking to? This list isn't only for Ubuntu and I doubt that your message is being heard by the folks that make it (Canonical) given the fact people have been kvetching about this for quite a while now. I've seen many an erstwhile Ubuntu fan boy decide that he should go to something other than Ubuntu.
Old 07-03-2012, 10:49 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by 4jackie40d View Post
I for one WILL NOT upgrade again until the Gnome classic is re added . .
And Shuttleworth cares why? You really should go to Ubuntu site to complain...
Old 07-03-2012, 10:55 AM   #6
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You could try Gnome3 from anyone other than Canonical.
Only Ubuntu has Unity, the DE you don't like. So straight Debian is worth a look, but takes a couple more steps to install.
Or you could try XFCE or LXDE by installing them on your current system and choosing them on login. I like XFCE, but it is a bit "old fashioned" for some. LXDE is lighter on CPU and memory but less configurable again. If you want something different try Ratpoison.
Sorry, that was a ramble, but the good thing about Linux is that you get to play with as many distributions and desktop environments as you're willing to try.
Old 07-03-2012, 11:10 AM   #7
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May be you should try it with SolusOS, they try to give you the experience you are asking for. May be you also should consider to give XFCE a try, it also somewhat resembles Gnome 2.
Old 07-03-2012, 11:59 AM   #8
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@ 4Jackie40d - Well this is one heck of a way to make your first post on the forum.
Anyway welcome to LQ.
Yes, I understand your frustration and believe me there are a lot more things I can about Ununtu than you can. But then again what we have to understand here is this is _not_ the Ubuntu forum. We, ofcourse deal with Ubuntu but then we just resolve as much queries that we can but apart from that there is nothing more we can do. Canonical has to make the changes.
Forgive me for saying this but somehow this post reminds me of a neice I have who holds her breath until she gets what she wants. Well, think like an adult and ask some good questions and we will provide some help.
Another thing you have to understand and _learn_ is that linux was/is/ and never will be for flashy desktops and useless icons (that are just the fad until the next big -read more flashy - thing comes around. Linux is about power and flexibility. When you become more mature in Linux you would boot up to the desktop ocassionaly or you would be like the many here who rarely boot up to the desktop bt still manage to do everything through the command line. This post that I am typing from is the bare 'links -p <URL>' just an example of what the command line can do. If you want to be really good with linux and really _understand_ computers and operating systems get off Ubuntu and install (so there is no other alernative) some real linux like slackware or debain.
Hope this helps.
Old 07-03-2012, 12:01 PM   #9
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Calm down! Shouting won't help, but changing distros will. If everyone who doesn't like Ubuntu's using them as lab rats were to switch, they'd soon notice the decline in downloads and the potential decline in revenue from their marketing of music, etc.

There are plenty of better things about that are Debian derived, like Ubuntu:
Gnome 3 Shell, for those that like it: Pinguy
Gnome 3 made more traditional: Mint with Cinnamon, and Solus with whatever they're cooking up for the next release this year
Mate: Mint
Xfce: SalineOS
Old 07-03-2012, 12:10 PM   #10
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So then don't use Ubuntu

Problem solved
Old 07-03-2012, 12:28 PM   #11
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I find a bit of humor in the OP's post. Makes me think the same thing as acid_kewpie. No, I didn't ask for it.
Old 07-03-2012, 02:11 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by 4jackie40d View Post
. . . Neither one is What I would call even close to Gnome Classic and they put stuff in weird spots that you would not think of looking . . And it is missing the System menu and they put stuff all over the place !
I like the clean look of Gnome Classic every thing has its spot...
Well, I could try to understand your fury ( I myself don't like it either ) so I try some "replacements" like Cinnamon.

like "MensaWater" wrote
and I doubt that your message is being heard by the folks that make it (Canonical) given the fact people have been kvetching about this for quite a while now.
Have a nice Linux.
Old 07-03-2012, 02:56 PM   #13
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Since this thread was doomed to be chaotic from the start, I just want to say that a combination of 1) UI improvements; 2) better stability WRT package updates; 3) excellent desktop support, and "just working" following an install have drawn me back to Ubuntu. (Which I long considered to be a sucky, b******t OS. No longer. 12.04 is quite good.)

My experience - and wishes for future direction - are nearly opposite OP's. I digress. Thanks for listening.
Old 07-03-2012, 11:06 PM   #14
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this why there are other distros to choose from. if you want to stick with Ubuntu but want a different DM, just install another one. Simple. cinnamon or mate are good choices.
Old 07-04-2012, 04:51 AM   #15
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No one cares.

Get over it or use a differnet Gnu/Linux distribution or different desktop environment.

Originally Posted by acid_kewpie View Post
No, we didn't ask for it. Please don't make a mess of our site. We don't make Ubuntu, that'll be Canonical.
I add a little something, but this is perfectly said.


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