On the codeweaver's website at
http://www.codeweavers.com/site/comp.../name?app_id=6 they say this about Word 2003:
"This application currently does not install or run. We suggest you don't even try to use it until we have it labeled otherwise."
http://crossover.codeweavers.com/pip...er/000028.html they mention possible future support for Office 2003 and say this::
"You'll be happy to know that we're already hard at work on 5.0, with Office 2003 support."
On an amusing note, on their website, I see that four people have pledged a total of $179.90 towards getting Word 2003 to work. Two people have pledged a total of $119.90 towards getting Access 2003 to work, one person has pledged $59.95 for Powerpoint 2003 and nothing has been pledged towards getting Excel 2003 to work. That should really motivate the Codeweavers people to work harder on the problem. Of course they do also get money from selling their product.
On my computer, Word 97, Excel 97 and Powerpoint 97 all run great with CrossOver Office under Linux but I have not tried to install Office 2003. I use the Excel 97 spreadsheet some but, for wordprocessing I mostly use OpenOffice Writer or sometimes Textmaker or Abiword. But even so, I hope that Microsoft Office 2003 will work when Codeweavers eventually comes out with CrossOver Office 5.0.
You had asked where things are. On my computer I installed the Loki installer version of CrossOver Office and as their instructions suggest, installed it while logged in as an ordinary user. When installed that way, CrossOver Office created two directories in my home folder. One is a hidden file and the other is not hidden. The hidden directory starts with a period and is called .cxoffice and can be seen by using the "ls -a" command. The "-a" parameter tells the ls command to show all hidden files and directories. In Linux anything that starts with a period is a hidden file or directory. The other file that is not hidden is called cxoffice. I can start programs such as winword and excel from where the executable programs are in the directory below (do not overlook the wavy tilde in front that represents my home directory):
I do not know very much about wine or CrossOver Office but, it looks like my fake windows C: drive can be found in either directory below (do not overlook either the tilde or the period):
I do not really know too much about CrossOver Office or wine or where everything else gets installed but, that is where it seems to have put some of the Windows programs on my computer.