hello my friendly linux brothers & sisters
im not sure when this happend because i havent restarted in a long time but i have been logging out and logging back in for the last couple days. but anyway yesturday i did an apt-get update, installed mldonkey and downloaded some mp3s with it. you know stupid stuff like that
but last night i went to shut down my computer and it locked up and wouldnt shut off so i had to physically hit the power switch to shut off.
then this morning i started it up and it posted fine but after the post in the Grub thing now it says this....
Fedora Core 2.4.22-1.2174.nptl
Fedora Core 2.4.22-1.2115.nptl
and it says i have like 10 seconds to pick one.
is this gonna be a problem? im running out of space on my hard drive is this taking up space cause i have two operating systems? which one is better the 2115 or 2174? i booted into each one and they both look the same and both are pretty much the same that i had last night.
does anyone have any guesses why this happend or other info?