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Old 07-26-2012, 04:27 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2012
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Not sure if right spot. I am new to site, and need help.

I am trying to read the bootloader config file.
I am using vmwareplayer, OS-Fedora17.
I am doing this for school homework. The book is Lab Manual for Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification (second Edition). This book is a little behind on the years, do to websites not existing or changing names. Being behind on software or OS versions. Kinda saddening.

Anyways on to my problem.

I am trying to read my boot loader's configuration file. I am not sure what Core Fedora uses. The book is expecting Fedora Core 2 System. Which I doubt that is what I am using
cd /boot
ls -loS
cat /etc/grub.conf
or cat /etc/lilo.conf

not sure if there are suppose to be any spaces for the cat part. I tried with and without multiple ways.
It says the directory or file does not exist.

Here are a list of files after using ls -loS

Any help would be really nice.
Thank you.
Old 07-26-2012, 07:27 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Here's some hints:

1. just use 'ls' to get a list of filenames
2. use 'ls -l' to get filenames and filetypes & ownerships/permissions
3. you are really going to struggle with a book on Fedora core 2.
I don't think you can even get the SW any more. BTW, Fedora dropped the 'Core' part of the name around v7 iirc; current is Fedora 17
4. if you use 'ls -l' you'll find that 'grub' is a dir, so you need to 'cd' inside and you'll find grub.conf.
5. you should bookmark this if you don't already have it; the place for Fedora
6. some useful links
Old 07-26-2012, 07:30 PM   #3
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That book you have is way out of date. You have Fedora 17 installed and the book is expecting Fedora Core 2? That is years out of date. You are not finding the grub or lilo files as Fedora 17 uses Grub2 now. You may want to get a newer book.
Old 07-26-2012, 07:41 PM   #4
John VV
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if you MUST ( 100% MUST ) use a book for a dead operating systen
One that died ( went END OF LIFE ) on 2005-04-11

then use a operating system that is closer to that
and that IS NOT fedora 17
fedora is a VERY FAST VERY FAST research and Development distro.

a book for fedora 2 is going to be Aprox. 80% useless on fedora 17

have a look at CentOS 5.8
A FREE RHEL 5 rebuild

RHEL5.8 is "? close?" to about fedora 6

fedora has changed SO MUCH since fedora 2 that it is basically not even the same OS any more
fedora 17 is a completely different species than fedora 2
they are almost not even in the same genus

also fedora CHANGED the boot loader
in the last few releases " menu.lis " is used( with a link to "grub.conf" ) as the configure file
and fedora 17 is now using grub2
not grub1( or grub 0.9) in fedora 2


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