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Old 01-12-2017, 04:57 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2017
Posts: 12

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Unhappy "No boot device found. Press any key to restart."

Hey everyone,

I'm somewhat of a Linux newbie, but generally not when it comes to computers. I've got Windows 10 installed on my harddrive. I've also been installing various Linux distros alongside it with no problem. I have/had Windows 10, Kali, Ubuntu, Parrot, and Elementary, all with no problem. Then today, I tried to install Fedora 25, and after it installed, anytime I try to boot, I get a "No boot device found" error, and I can only get it to boot into a Live usb. I hope that my screwing around didn't wipe everything out, so if anyone can help me I'd appreciate it very much.

(I'm currently sending this from Fedora 25 Live)

Old 01-12-2017, 05:05 PM   #2
Registered: Dec 2016
Distribution: arch
Posts: 668

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1) Boot from live usb
2) Mount your partition
3) Chroot into installation
4) Reinstall grub (or whatever boot loader/manager you use)
5) Reboot
6) ???
7) Profit
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Old 01-12-2017, 05:09 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Ok, that sounds like my answer there. However, can you treat me like a complete dummy, and tell me how to do each step, so I make sure not to screw it up. But thank you for the quick reply.
Old 01-12-2017, 05:11 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Well except the booting into live. Already got that one. But I'm not sure how to mount drive from live, or how to chroot or install grub.

Thank you.
Old 01-12-2017, 05:29 PM   #5
Registered: Dec 2016
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The exact details might vary, I personally have not used Fedora but essentially the steps should be the same. I don't know how you setup your system to boot. Before performing the steps I have below, I'd recommend a search for Windows Fedora dual boot, and note any instructions regarding "boot loader".
I make a few assumptions in these steps. You will want to apply any specific instructions specific to a Fedora/Windows dual boot environment after you chroot.
Assuming you are using grub, and you are booted from live usb, open up a terminal and type
this will give your harddrives and their layouts.
From here you should be able to determine what your root partition was and then again in your terminal type
mount /dev/sdXY /mnt
where X represents the disk, and Y the partition number.
Assuming you have a separate /boot partition, you'll want to create a /mnt/boot directory, and mount the partition there
 mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/boot
chroot /mnt
grub-install /dev/sdX
Note: do NOT specify a partition number, only the disk.
then exit from chroot by typing
Reboot and you should be good to go
Old 01-12-2017, 05:47 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2017
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Ok, I'm starting to get it. So when I list my drives, I get this:

loop1 7:1 0 6.5G 1 loop
├─live-base 253:1 0 6.5G 1 dm
└─live-rw 253:0 0 6.5G 0 dm /
sdb 8:16 1 7.6G 0 disk
└─sdb1 8:17 1 7.6G 0 part /run/initramfs/live
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
loop2 7:2 0 512M 0 loop
└─live-rw 253:0 0 6.5G 0 dm /
loop0 7:0 0 1.3G 1 loop
sda 8:0 0 698.7G 0 disk
├─sda4 8:4 0 490M 0 part
├─sda2 8:2 0 40M 0 part
├─sda16 259:0 0 68G 0 part
│ ├─fedora-root 253:4 0 41.1G 0 lvm
│ ├─fedora-swap 253:2 0 6.9G 0 lvm [SWAP]
│ └─fedora-home 253:3 0 20.1G 0 lvm
├─sda14 8:14 0 28G 0 part
├─sda9 8:9 0 12.6G 0 part
├─sda12 8:12 0 1M 0 part
├─sda7 8:7 0 450M 0 part
├─sda10 8:10 0 20.9G 0 part
├─sda5 8:5 0 388.3G 0 part
├─sda3 8:3 0 128M 0 part
├─sda17 259:1 0 136.4G 0 part
├─sda1 8:1 0 500M 0 part
├─sda15 8:15 0 33.3G 0 part
├─sda13 8:13 0 1G 0 part
├─sda8 8:8 0 350M 0 part
├─sda11 8:11 0 7.9G 0 part [SWAP]
└─sda6 8:6 0 451M 0 part

I know sda5 is where windows 10 is installed. and sda10 is where ubuntu is installed. sda11 is where I believe, used to be my boot. If you see where it installed fedora, I accidentally installed it differently from all the other distros, and it made need directories or drives for it.

So now... based on what you said I just have one more question, which you may or may not be able to answer.

I believe, before the fedora install.. that it would load grub from the Ubuntu drive. Does that make Ubuntu my root, and then sda11 my boot, in regards to your directions.

Thanks again!
Old 01-12-2017, 06:13 PM   #7
Registered: Dec 2016
Distribution: arch
Posts: 668

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├─sda16 259:0 0 68G 0 part 
│ ├─fedora-root 253:4 0 41.1G 0 lvm 
│ ├─fedora-swap 253:2 0 6.9G 0 lvm [SWAP]
│ └─fedora-home 253:3 0 20.1G 0 lvm
Is your Fedora installation
Grub is generally installed to the drive and not a partition.
lsblk -f
should give you the filesystem type for the partitions as well, /boot will generally be ext2.
As this is installed on lvm, it will slightly complicate things. You will need to note any specific instructions for lvm. this might be useful
Old 01-12-2017, 06:35 PM   #8
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2017
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Damn, now I'm confused again. But ok.. when I list -f. I get:

loop1 ext4 Anaconda 21402f47-1b69-42de-a0f0-bc633db181cf
├─live-base ext4 Anaconda 21402f47-1b69-42de-a0f0-bc633db181cf
└─live-rw ext4 Anaconda 21402f47-1b69-42de-a0f0-bc633db181cf /
└─sdb1 vfat FEDORA-WS-L
1266-6574 /run/initr
loop2 DM_snap
└─live-rw ext4 Anaconda 21402f47-1b69-42de-a0f0-bc633db181cf /
loop0 squashf
├─sda4 ntfs WINRETOOLS DCC81C85C81C6056
├─sda2 vfat DIAGS 0C1B-2AC8
├─sda16 LVM2_me qy7026-Um19-vGqL-IHEI-Wdgn-SD7y-dUpUj0
│ ├─fedora-root
│ │ ext4 439c9905-41a3-4e52-b521-cb5142dcfabf
│ ├─fedora-swap
│ │ swap aec41bc2-6ced-4d6b-bc90-7688268d4ae2 [SWAP]
│ └─fedora-home
│ ext4 0d91efb5-2075-41d1-8243-c9948d204485
├─sda14 ext4 1fd6152b-7d3c-4fa5-94ef-217fbe738896
├─sda9 ntfs PBR Image 50E69660E69645DE
├─sda7 ntfs BCEE4E83EE4E35C4
├─sda10 ext4 f97d05ee-f49d-47fa-9a1d-af00a30f661c /mnt
├─sda5 ntfs OS 88E625DCE625CAF0
├─sda17 ext4 b6e679aa-c27b-4c06-804d-e41c9d408962
├─sda1 vfat ESP 70C8-5F6D
├─sda15 ext4 e46df5be-9934-4533-a585-6ab06f40b9fa
├─sda13 ext4 1bb090a5-c2b3-4b07-975d-4fd0de96eeb6
├─sda8 ntfs 74F4C43EF4C403F8
├─sda11 swap c78714ed-ff3a-4916-a6a5-2b60cac04a3b [SWAP]
└─sda6 ntfs 24668FAE668F7EF4
I was using grub... I thought through Ubuntu. When grub would load, it would list Ubuntu at the top, then "Windows Boot Manager" a few EFI things.. and then each of my Linux distros, ending with System Setup.

As you can see, there isn't a ext2. I don't know what the LVM is or why Fedora installed as such. (I'm gonna read that page after I post this.)

In gparted, it says sda1 is EFI system fat32 and labeled ESP. sda2 iS basic data fat32 labeled DIAGS. sda4 and sda5 are Microsoft partitions NFTS. as are sda 6,7,8, and 9 (9 is labeled PBR image). 10 is ubuntu ext4. sda11 is linux-swap. sda12 says file system is grub2 core.img (I have a feeling this has something to do with it eh?). 13 is ext4, 14 is Kali, 15 is ext4 (probably another distro), 16 is filesystem LVM2 pv, mount point fedora. 17 is ParrotSec.

Sorry if I'm being annoyingly dumbfounded...

Old 01-12-2017, 07:03 PM   #9
Registered: Dec 2016
Distribution: arch
Posts: 668

Rep: Reputation: 190Reputation: 190
No worries lol. Yes I just assmued BIOS but it appears you have EFI, in which case vfat would be your esp. In this case, normally you have a few options. You don't necessarily need a boot partition or grub, as efi should be able to boot the kernel directly. You would instead just mount the ESP (efi system partition) e.g. /dev/sda1 at /boot (or /boot/efi). this should help you with any efi specific instructions.

You said /dev/sda12 is grub2 core.img but I do not see that info in your output above.
You might also have a look at this for grub+efi configuration


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