MS-chap-80 is the option I chose during pppsetup but ppp uses pppd chat at some point which looks like a script, it was by manually manipulating pppscript using the most recent copy of a modem log out of win98 - that i got to dial out and connect to:
sai - tx9.rasserver ^M
%login: timeout expired!^M
Exit [this is in my /var/log/messages]
at commandline I get [script failed] which is why i call it a script.
I have read the README, pppsetup.txtchapsecrets, mans other docs but I don't understand! What is the technical network process here? The connection between ppp and pppd? Of imddediate importance is what are these executable files supposed to look like? Are they scripts? Where do I find and or put them.
On my one machine i am both server and client. Kool, no more slave... but man its hard confusion being free