Hey all, i just put Fedora Core 3 on my machine, and I can pretty much get around using the GUI, I was told by a friend that this website can help me with the things that are bugging me, here goes nothing:
I have a dual boot system WinblowsXP Pro / FC3
3.06Ghz P4
1024MB RAM
800Mhz FSB
hda1 40Gig
hdb1 120Gig
sda1 250Gig
I would like to have all my hard disks show up under 'computer' without mounting each session
I would like users other then "root" to be able to R/W/E on any of my extra storage disks(ones in above comment), i changed the permissions but it doesnt affect subfolders. for example i change settings on "Music" to have everyone be able to access it, then when i login as myself, i can browse "music" but no artists within, i hope i am being clear : /
I just want this thing to work without it being a royal pain in my hind end!
I don't like admitting it but im thinking of going back to winblows full time
any help is appreciated