I don't know anything about doing it in a GUI, but it looks like you were doing things fine in the terminal window, so I'll give directions on how to continue doing it that way.
You had a failed dependency, sp if you correct that issue, the rpm you're trying to install should go in easily. I went to
google.com/linux and dumped in cyrus-sasl-devel. It gave me many links to download versions of that, greater than 2.0.0.You should download whichever is the newest for your distro, and download it to your home directory. Since you were using rpm for the install that failed, you can do the same to install cyrus-sasl-devel. You could give the command:
rpm -i cyrus-sasl-devel* if you don't have cyrus-sasl-devel installed at all, or give the same command you gave to install the other package:
rpm -Uvh cyrus-sasl-devel* if you simply need to upgrade.
If you don't know if you have cyrus-sasl-devel installed, the way to check would be to type:
rpm -qa | grep cyrus-sasl-devel
If that turns up anything, you need to upgrade it, if nothing comes up, you can do a clean install.
I would also strongly suggest looking into apt-get, it is an awesome utility to resolve failed dependencies. It would do all of this for you, all from a simple command like:
apt-get install hotwayd
If any problems occur, write back!