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Old 03-27-2005, 02:34 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2005
Distribution: Kanotix
Posts: 41

Rep: Reputation: 15
Need help installing modem drivers

SO I'm still kinda new to linux and would like to get online with it. So I bought a Best Data 56k V.92 USB Modem that's compatiable with kernel 2.4

I'm Running Knoppix 3.4 Live Cd and as instructed in to modem instructions I installed my knoppix onto the harddrive and am running it under kernel 2.6

So my problem is that I can't seem to get the drivers from cd to where ever they need to go dispite the fact that I'm following the installation guide that came with it.


1. Unpack tar.gz package file:

$ gzip -dc slmdm-2.7.14.tar.gz | tar xf -
(but when I type this into the shell konsole it says
gzip: slmdm-2.7.14.tar.gz: No such file or directory)


B. Copy the directory slmdm-2.7.14 from driver installation CD the to you hard drive

2. 'cd' to package directory:

$ cd slmdm-2.7.14
(But when I type this into the shell konsole it says
bash: cd: slmdm-2.7.14: No such file or directory)

So as you can see I can't get past the first step of installation. I'm sure I've gotta be messing some simple dumb step. So could any help me with my problem? Thank you.
Old 03-27-2005, 02:54 AM   #2
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: MI, USA
Distribution: Fedora Core 3
Posts: 137

Rep: Reputation: 15
From your post, I'm assuming that you have been able to copy the directory to your HD. From their your cd command may have to be absolute. If your put it into your home directory, it would be like this
cd /home/'user'/slmdm-2.7.14/
Just a guess. Some more info could help.

Hope this solves it.
Old 03-27-2005, 03:19 AM   #3
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Brighton, Michigan, USA
Distribution: Lots of distros in the past, now Linux Mint
Posts: 748

Rep: Reputation: 31
Okay, this isn't the easiest way, but we're talking effectiveness, right? You can jack around with convienience later. '$' is your user prompt, '#' is your root/administrator prompt.

$ su <enter>
password: <enter your password for root>

# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom <this can vary a little, look in those directories for other possibilities>

# cd /mnt/cdrom

# <navigate, using cd, to wherever your drivers are>

# cp <drivername to some directory you make in your home directory -- I use a Drivers directory for things like this>

At this point, you can probably exit:

# exit

Or, to be safe (providing the copy works) you can unmount the drive like so:

# cd / <this takes you out of the drive directory, because you cannot unmount a drive you are still using>

# umount /dev/cdrom

# exit

Okay, this was necessarily simple, mainly because you're a newbie, which is no big deal, but you should take some time to learn the command line. There are ways to do this using the GUI, but depending on your setup, it can be different, whereas the command line tends to be pretty straightforward and constant (which is why a lot of older users tend to use it, despite improvements).

That said, the 'man' command is your friend. In other words, 'man cd' will explain the cd command to you.

Other commands you might want to check on: cd, mount, su, cp, chmod/chgrp (these change user permissions, which you will probably need pretty early on), ls, umount, cat.

Better yet, invest some time, and possibly a few bucks, and either read up on these commands when you get the chance, or invest in a handy dandy linux reference book. It will be worth the effort.

Hope this helps, and if it seems complicated, remember, I've been doing this for 8+ years, so explaining something simple is sort of like explaining algebra to an elementary student. It's not that hard, but because the explainer knows all the "ifs" and "buts", if can sound worse than it is.

If your user has the ability to mount drives (typically called automount, check your documentation), you should be able to right-click on a drive on your desktop (for instance the cdrom on your desktop background) and mount it. From that point, you should also be able to right-click, or simply click or double-click the icon, and a filemanager should open up, showing you items on that drive. At that point, it should be a matter of dragging and clicking the file off the cdrom, and onto your hard drive into a directory you choose. At that point, follow the instructions provided with your driver, and when you finish, if you like, you should be able to remove the directory you created, as the important files will have been installed in safer locations.

(As an added note, I went to the company's web site, and if I were you, I'd make sure I took good care of that driver disk, because from what I saw, despite the fact that they claim Linux driver support and provide it with the device, there is no place to download it from the website. That said, sometimes a friendly email will get those items, even if they aren't on the website pages.)

Last edited by scott_R; 03-27-2005 at 03:30 AM.
Old 03-28-2005, 12:30 AM   #4
Registered: Mar 2005
Distribution: Kanotix
Posts: 41

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Thanks volvogga & Scoot_R. Y'all got my drivers installed. And I will that the advice and buy a book on the shell prompt since asap since the books I do have only seem to deal with the Kde.

So I've ran into another what is proboly a newbie problem. My drivers installed my USB modem as ttySL0. But when I go into the kde menu and select "/dev/modem connection setup" and "modem dialer", both have many tty's to choose from but niether have ttySL0. So I was wondering if and how I could change it to a diffrent tty or add ttySL0 to my list of options to choose from.

Thanks for baring with me.


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