WOW, okay i finally installed linux and after reading countless websites of horrible explanations on how to do it i feel kind of stupid, because after putting the cd in and following the prompts from centos it was 10 times easier than most of the web tutorials made it sound... maybe im just lucky it went so smooth.
I repartioned and resized the HD, created the linux partion and swap file, installed linux and everything went great..
except it always boots centos in KDE (this is the GUI i selected in the package selection during setup, should i have select gnome? i see more docs on gnome via the web). How can i get it to start in command line on boot?
Also, i installed all of the server packages.. Now how do i login to it via the web? Im not sure where to locate my network info and how to sign into this thing over the web?
And one last question. Ive noticed already that installing things in linux is nothing like windows and ive heard about yum, but know little about this.. any good links for learning correct way to install linux progs, etc.
This forum is great!