I call a sh file it returns lot of information I wan to retrieve a part of it
Here is what I get
[ec2-user@domU-12-31-39-10-44-32 ~]$ /opt/aws/apitools/ec2/bin/ec2-describe-instances --filter "instance-id=i-8d28b5eb"
RESERVATION r-61b4d103 424912172560 artms-web
INSTANCE i-8d28b5eb ami-e565ba8c ec2-23-22-144-254.compute-1.amazonaws.com domU-12-31-39-10-44-32.compute-1.internal running artms-default 0
m1.large 2012-05-25T18:01:29+0000 us-east-1a aki-88aa75e1 monitoring-enabled e
bs paravirtual xen sg-e55aeb8d default
BLOCKDEVICE /dev/sda1 vol-84242deb 2012-05-25T18:01:57.000Z true
BLOCKDEVICE /dev/sdf vol-04ffe76b 2012-05-25T18:01:57.000Z false
TAG instance i-8d28b5eb Name stg-app/web-0
all I want from this is value of Name which is stg-app/web-0
also I want to check if the value of name which is stg-app/web-0 contains "stg"
please help me.