Need basic home networking help!!!
Does anyone have suggestions for a real newbie trying to network (home use only) a G4 running OS-X and 9.1 with a DSL router to a RedHat 7.1 (only) machine on the same DSL connection? I want to be able to save files from OS-X to the Linux box htdocs (already have PHP, MySql and Apache working fine on both boxes) but not able to ssh into the Linux box?? Also want to use Linux box as a print server to print from i.e. Photoshop while booted directly into 9.1 (have printer working fine as a local printer on the Linux box) but just not sure what to do to get a little local network going between the two. General suggestions or hints at this point are very welcomed!!! Thanks! I'm using DHCP all around but really don't have a clue as to setting up these machines to talk to one another.