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Old 12-20-2009, 08:41 AM   #16
LQ Newbie
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right first things first thanks for all helps and hints this is what i have so far:


  BACKUP_FILE=backup$(date +%Y%m%d).tgz

  echo 1 Perform A Backup
  echo 2 Restore From Backup
  echo 3 Exit Program

  read OPTION

  case $OPTION in

  "1") echo You picked 1
  echo backup files
  read SOURCE

  while ["$VALID_PATH" -eq 0]


  if [-d "$SOURCE"]; then
          echo all files
          echo backed up to $BACKUP_FILE
          echo this is invalid
          echo please retry
          read SOURCE
          if [ "$SOURCE" == q ]; then
          echo Goodbye!
          exit 0

  "2") echo you chose 2
  echo restore?
  echo backup directory contents
  echo enter the name

  until ["$VALID_PATH" !=0]

  if [-f "$RESTORE_FILE"]; then
  echo FAIL
  echo Backup directory contents
  ls "$BACKUP_DIR"
  echo "q to quit!"
  if ["$RESTORE_FILE" ==q]; then
  echo goodbye!
  exit 0

  echo the file $RESTORE_FILE will be used to perform
  tar -xvf $RESTORE_FILE

  "3") echo goodbye
  exit 0;;


  if ["$?" ==0]; then
  if ["$OPTION"==1 -o "$OPTION" ==2]; then
  echo SUCCESS!
  echo the following files were backed to $BACKUP_FILE
  tar -tf $BACKUP_FILE
  echo SUCCESS
  echo restored
  echo failed
now i get 3 options (put in quotes to makie it eadier to read soz if this wrong)
1 Perform A Backup
2 Restore From Backup
3 Exit Program
You picked 1
backup files
backup: line 21: [0: command not found
tar: ss1: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
backup: line 85: [2: command not found
-bash-2.05b# ls
backup backup20091220.tgz pf ss wp
so what i have done is created backup dir in root,then 3 dirs in backup and files (wp1.txt ss1.xls pf1.jpg etc)in each dir. cd in backup dir and saved file into there and ran it. came up with above errors but when ls dir it shows a backup has been done and how do i get the backups into the correct folders.
thanks for any help
Old 12-20-2009, 08:51 AM   #17
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Try putting spaces around all the elements of the [ ] tests, for example change
[ "$RESTORE_FILE" == q ]
Old 12-20-2009, 09:10 AM   #18
LQ Newbie
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cheers corrected that and now get these errors

1 Perform A Backup
2 Restore From Backup
3 Exit Program
You picked 1
backup files
all files
backed up to backup/backup20091220.tgz
tar (child): backup/backup20091220.tgz: Cannot open: Not a directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
backup: line 85: [: 2: unary operator expected
Old 12-20-2009, 12:18 PM   #19
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If you put "set -x" on the second line of your script then the script will echo to the screen every line that it executes: this may make it easier to debug.

The first error looks like maybe the directory "backup" does not exist: you need to get the script to check for that and make it if it is missing. Something like:

if [ ! -d "$BACKUP_DIR" ] ; then
   mkdir "$BACKUP_DIR" 
The other thing is that in test you should use

if [ "$foo" = "$bar" ] ; then
instead of
if [ "$foo" == "$bar" ] ; then
(unless there is something in bash that lets == work)

Keep at it, you've almost got it done.



PS. If you put "set -x" on the second line of your script then the script will echo to the screen every line that it executes: this may make it easier to debug.
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Old 12-20-2009, 12:25 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by marydoll View Post
backup: line 85: [: 2: unary operator expected
-o does not mean logical OR; it is used to test if a shell option is on and must be followed by an optname. Use || for logical OR.
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Old 12-20-2009, 01:52 PM   #21
LQ Newbie
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cheers hopefully getting there now, backup dir is there but it seems to make backups outhwith the dirs i put in there wp ss pf, so when i do ls the backup shows in beside these dirs, is there any other code i have to type in to do this.
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Old 12-20-2009, 02:30 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by evo2 View Post
The other thing is that in test you should use

if [ "$foo" = "$bar" ] ; then
instead of
if [ "$foo" == "$bar" ] ; then
(unless there is something in bash that lets == work)
There is . Chapter and verse here where it says "string1 == string2 True if the strings are equal. ‘=’ may be used in place of ‘==’"
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Old 12-20-2009, 02:34 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by marydoll View Post
cheers hopefully getting there now, backup dir is there but it seems to make backups outhwith the dirs i put in there wp ss pf, so when i do ls the backup shows in beside these dirs, is there any other code i have to type in to do this.
That would be a lot easier to understand with "wp ss pf" translated into English. Maybe I'm being stupid but I can't even begin to guess what they mean. A brief ASCII art (like tree command output) showing the directories and files would help too. It's easier to read if you put it in code tags (that's a link to instructions or you may prefer to use "Advanced Edit" mode which has a # button for code tags).
Old 12-20-2009, 02:45 PM   #24
LQ Newbie
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sorry about that been a long day & night
wp ss pf are the directories and are short for wordprocessing spreadsheet and picture files and the backup file is showing in backup dir rather than dir ss wp or ss.
Old 12-20-2009, 03:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by marydoll View Post
sorry about that been a long day & night
wp ss pf are the directories and are short for wordprocessing spreadsheet and picture files and the backup file is showing in backup dir rather than dir ss wp or ss.
Hard to be confident without more information about what's going on but maybe
needs to be
Old 12-20-2009, 03:31 PM   #26
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changed code and still not putting backup in dirs, however received email from fellow student and he says it does not have to be working 100% as long as it backs up and restores so going to leave it at that, now have to do the report for it, thanks to all who replied and helped with input
cheers,but gonna take achance here does anyone know what the indexing retrieval method is.
cheers once again
Old 12-20-2009, 04:18 PM   #27
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by marydoll View Post
changed code and still not putting backup in dirs, however received email from fellow student and he says it does not have to be working 100% as long as it backs up and restores so going to leave it at that, now have to do the report for it, thanks to all who replied and helped with input
cheers,but gonna take achance here does anyone know what the indexing retrieval method is.
cheers once again
In what context??

Also, I disagree with "leave it at that". If you don't know what it's doing or how it's not working, you've still not really learned what's going on, or why, and have bodged something together, just to get by.

And if this is for college, don't they also check spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.??
Old 12-20-2009, 04:24 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by marydoll View Post
changed code and still not putting backup in dirs, however received email from fellow student and he says it does not have to be working 100% as long as it backs up and restores so going to leave it at that, now have to do the report for it, thanks to all who replied and helped with input
cheers,but gonna take achance here does anyone know what the indexing retrieval method is.
cheers once again
Good luck with it!

Regards "the indexing retrieval method", better to start a new thread. Any context to help narrow it down? Maybe for searching texts? This might be some help -- the SMART system looks promising.
Old 12-20-2009, 04:29 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by TB0ne View Post
Also, I disagree with "leave it at that". If you don't know what it's doing or how it's not working, you've still not really learned what's going on, or why, and have bodged something together, just to get by.
I figure time constraints didn't allow much else -- which is a lesson in itself.

@marydoll: there are so many ways the script could be improved. If you're interested in this stuff, come back later and we'll not only work with you to get it working, we'll work to make it robust and a model of good practice. Would help if you can get a system that allows copy-and-paste into the thread, though.
Old 12-20-2009, 05:11 PM   #30
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Thumbs up

Also, I disagree with "leave it at that". If you don't know what it's doing or how it's not working, you've still not really learned what's going on, or why, and have bodged something together, just to get by
considering the only thing i could do 3 years ago was switch on a pc(just) i think i have come a long way, and where the only o/s i had heard of was windows and then you get hit with linux (not bad mouthing it by the way had to do a report on windows vs mac vs linux and it does have its advantages) it is a hell of a step up
i would love to get it working 100% but already overdue and have to start the report for it and that will take a good few hours as for spelling, grammar etc it has been a long few days trying to get as far as i did and if you take into account work, running around after kids, but again thanks to all those who have helped me with this


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