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Old 01-23-2017, 10:39 PM   #16
LQ Newbie
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Originally Posted by rockymtngeek View Post
I did leave that out in my reply but did enter it as such into crontab -e @reboot/root/noVNC.....etc. I was so excited that it finally worked that I missed typing that into the explanation.
And this time forgot to include the space between @reboot /root/... however the code is entered into crontab correctly and functions. If there is another method that might be good to learn as well. At this point, the pain in my head is finally subsiding and I can breath a sigh of relief. I will take my time and make my instructions correct.

Thanks again!!
Old 01-23-2017, 10:42 PM   #17
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Also found reference to having this run after the network is up: " is a target that actively waits until the nework is "up", where the definition of "up" is defined by the network management software". I just don't know how to implement that either.
Here's a thread relevant to the above quote:

I'm far from a systemd guru, but it should be simple to implement. First, create a file in /etc/systemd/system named "novnc.service" containing the following:
Description=novnc service

ExecStart=/path/to/noVNC/utils/ --vnc --listen 80

Then run:
# systemctl enable novnc.service

Last edited by norobro; 01-23-2017 at 11:22 PM. Reason: Missed the last two lines of novnc.service in copy/paste
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Old 01-23-2017, 11:03 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by rockymtngeek View Post
I did leave that out in my reply but did enter it as such into crontab -e @reboot/root/noVNC.....etc. I was so excited that it finally worked that I missed typing that into the explanation.
I don't think you are understanding what they are asking. it sounds like you are running the command like this

crontab -e @reboot/root/noVNC
which will throw and error like this
~ $ crontab -e @reboot/root/noVNC
crontab: usage error: no arguments permitted after this option
usage:    crontab [-u user] file
    crontab [ -u user ] [ -i ] { -e | -l | -r }
        (default operation is replace, per 1003.2)
    -e    (edit user's crontab)
    -l    (list user's crontab)
    -r    (delete user's crontab)
    -i    (prompt before deleting user's crontab)
You see how it through a error message. Anytime you run a command and it fails, give us the results of said message.

Now as to get your command to run via cron. Do this.

# crontab -e

Then it will open up the crontab in the default tab editors. Then put in the line of command you wish to run via cron.

Also you need to be informative about what Linux OS you are running. Crontab may not even be installed. You may need to install it. Your system could have anacron installed which is the same, but different in it's own way.

By the sound of it, it sounds like your rather new to Linux and I'm glad you are working with it. I suggest you check this site out. it has loads of helpful information for you.
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Old 01-24-2017, 12:06 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by jmc1987 View Post
I don't think you are understanding what they are asking. it sounds like you are running the command like this

crontab -e @reboot/root/noVNC
which will throw and error like this
~ $ crontab -e @reboot/root/noVNC
crontab: usage error: no arguments permitted after this option
usage:    crontab [-u user] file
    crontab [ -u user ] [ -i ] { -e | -l | -r }
        (default operation is replace, per 1003.2)
    -e    (edit user's crontab)
    -l    (list user's crontab)
    -r    (delete user's crontab)
    -i    (prompt before deleting user's crontab)
You see how it through a error message. Anytime you run a command and it fails, give us the results of said message.

Now as to get your command to run via cron. Do this.

# crontab -e

Then it will open up the crontab in the default tab editors. Then put in the line of command you wish to run via cron.

Also you need to be informative about what Linux OS you are running. Crontab may not even be installed. You may need to install it. Your system could have anacron installed which is the same, but different in it's own way.

By the sound of it, it sounds like your rather new to Linux and I'm glad you are working with it. I suggest you check this site out. it has loads of helpful information for you.
Thanks jmc1987 - I can see how it would look like that however the first post by suicidalegroll was very clear. Debian jessie did natively have crontab as part of the o.s. and once I opened it, I was able to input the string he suggested: @reboot /root/noVNC/utils/ --vnc --listen 80 Which worked once it actually saved it on my second try.

I am very new to linux, I have played around with some other distros over the years on pc platforms but never very much and this is only my second raspberry pi. The first one is just running as a media player in my entertainment center. This one I needed to be a tiny discreet pc in a distant network closet. Thanks for the link, it looks like it is full of great information!!
Old 01-24-2017, 08:01 AM   #20
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Old 01-25-2017, 06:44 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by rockymtngeek View Post
"Launch websockify
cd noVNC
./utils/ --vnc --listen 80
at this poing after cd noVNC, issue this
and stick that output in front of and lose the dot-slash, eg:
/etc/noVNC/utils/ --vnc --listen 80
What are you reading and where please?

sudo find / -name -type f | grep noVNC
should give you the same result (/path/to/) as the modified example:
/etc/noVNC/utils/ --vnc --listen 80

Last edited by Habitual; 01-25-2017 at 06:48 AM.


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