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01-09-2004, 12:06 AM
Registered: Jan 2004
Distribution: Mandrake
Posts: 42
MultiBoot with Linux
Ok, I am hoping this is my last questio for a while.
I have a 80gig partition with a 40gig partion in NTFS for win xp and i want to use the res of the drive for Linux, the Wndows Partition is already installed and has been for some time
So my question is how do i go about getting this install ready? I am gonna use Slackware.. I have already Downloaded and Burned the ISO, can i do it by Booting of the First ISO CD??
01-09-2004, 12:09 AM
Registered: Jan 2004
Distribution: Shrike (RH9)
Posts: 73
Install Slackware and use GRUB as your boot loader. It will detect windows for you(i think) and ask you if you want it added to the list of OS's to boot. It should also allow you to set your default, but you can do this later if you choose by editing grub.conf in /boot
01-09-2004, 12:10 AM
Registered: Jan 2004
Distribution: Shrike (RH9)
Posts: 73
Oh, and to answer your question....just have the cd in the drive when you turn on your computer and you should be good to go .
01-09-2004, 12:13 AM
Registered: Jan 2004
Distribution: Mandrake
Posts: 42
Original Poster
I feel so Stupid for all my questions.. People come to me for help with there computers.. and pay me good money for it.. and here i am feeling like i am 10 years old again learning how to install BBS software for the first time....
01-09-2004, 12:13 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2003
Distribution: Mandrake 9.2
Posts: 28
goodluck rogan...I'm downloading slackware right now...and I'm going to try it...and I'm as newbie as of luck
And yes you can go booting from the first CD...
What I did though...was set up linux partitions using partition magic before installling...I just find the drives easier to work with that way...I made 10GB a linux ext3 partition...and...512MB a linux swap...I know during install it will just detect...ask to format..and install...I find it easier for me anyways...When trying a version of linux similar to slackware (vector linux) I hated the partition managers it had during install
P.S. I feel the same way...all my friends come to me with all their windows related I'm...I'M NOTHING...
Last edited by eddieman; 01-09-2004 at 12:16 AM.
01-09-2004, 12:19 AM
Registered: Jan 2004
Distribution: Mandrake
Posts: 42
Original Poster
I am actually a computer tech... so i spend all day working on computers..
But i guess we never get people in there with linux...
AND crap, Partition Magic.. I was trying to remember what to use.. I needed to format a drive in Fat32, and i do not have anything that could do it.. i have a secondary drive.. so i said screw it and did it NTFS
01-09-2004, 12:26 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2003
Location: Austin, TX (Silicon HIlls)
Distribution: Mandrake 9.2, RH 9.0
Posts: 16
Originally posted by rogan999
I feel so Stupid for all my questions.. People come to me for help with there computers.. and pay me good money for it.. and here i am feeling like i am 10 years old again learning how to install BBS software for the first time....
I know EXACTLY how you feel, rogan999. I, also, have many people who pay me good money to "fix" their windows systems and networks. I remember the days when I ran one of the 3 BBS's in a city of 80,000. Isn't it GREAT to be learning again??
I also love it that when you ask a question here you don't get the standard windows guru laugh and high nose! These people want us to learn and contribute!
This IS GREAT!!!!
Good luck with you Linux experience and it's good to see someone like me posting questions here.
01-09-2004, 12:28 AM
Registered: Jan 2004
Distribution: Mandrake
Posts: 42
Original Poster
Very Very True, there is defeinatly a large feeling of family that does remind me of the old BBS days when people actually want to help and want you to succeed,, it is almost unheard of these days,, it is very refreshing.. i miss the days of learning a new thing.. i loved it then.. that is when i truley enjoyed computers... now everyone has them
01-09-2004, 12:48 AM
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2003
Distribution: Mandrake 9.2
Posts: 28
Yes I first attemps with Slackware weren't the best...the damn thing woudln't use my monitor or graphics card...DISPITE having the drivers listed and me choosing them...but anyways...whenever I asked for help I got responese very quickly with ppl willing to help
Mostly (if not all) my computer knowledge has been self taught. I had a friend who knew a lot, he got me interested, and then I slowly built up...relying on him when needed. Over time I became better, and now I do it on my own. I hope Linux will be similar, and this community can be my support for when I need it...and slowly...I will conquer day at a time
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