How do I mount an external USB flash drive?
Generally when the flash drive is plugged in it should automatically mount.
If not got into your file mgr and look for it there. Should it not be there look on the desktop and right click on the flash drive and click 'open'.
With Live Boot I'd have to reboot every time that I want to try a different distro.
That's correct and you'd have to reformat the flash and remove the old .iso image and place the new .iso image of the next distro you want to try on the drive.
I use the dd command to make my flash drive bootable.
To find out the device name
Than to reformat the flash drive. (x is the drive letter)
mkfs.vfat /dev/sdx -I
Unmount the drive
Than to write the .iso to the flash drive
dd bs=4M if=the/path/to the name of distro-x86.iso of=dev/sdx && sync
Give it a few minutes and your flash drive is ready to go.
Virtual Box is convient if you don't want to go through all that.
Unetbootin is good for a handful of distro's but I've noticed sometimes partitions or other things are still left on the drive so to get around that I use dd.
I tried Chalet and liked it:-
Haven't tried Peppermint yet but I'll eventually will.