Multi OS Boot
I am a developer w/win, new to linux (used Unix 15 years ago in Univ.). I am trying to install Win2kpro, Winme (I have some specs to work with this os for a client), And linux Redhat, Suse, and mandrake (my boss wants me to learn Linux). I have on my home test box a WDHD 80 gig and WDHD 180 gig. Parted out two on the 80: 10/nfst, 70/nfst (win2kpro on 10). Parted the 180: 25/fat32,100(-/+)Fat32, 25/Fat32, 28(-/+)/Linux ext3, 2/Linux swap, Winme on 1st 25. I had win2kpro and winme installed, then did redhat with boot loader. It boots fine to boot loader but I can only get into redhat and win2kpro. When winme is booted blackscreen w/rootverify(i think) (1,0) chainload +1. I think it's reading from the wrong part but i'm still trying to figure out the linux file sys. Also when I install Suse and Mandrake on the linux part will that cause problems or should i make anouther linux part (like putting dupe windows on same part can mess up the boot)? Thanx