OK Cool ...
You say someone has tried to help, what have you tried?
In my KDE, all I have to do to make new menues and put icons etc into an existing menue is to right click on an existing menue... if you have tried this, and are used to windoze thinking, you may have seen the editors you want and just not recognised them.
If you want, for eg, to start mozilla from the that menue bar on the bottom of the screen, you right-click an empty space on it and add a "launcher" to the panel. The application icons you are used to are called "launchers", the menues are called "panels" and wizards are called "daemons" or "utilities".
I'm surprised the installer didn't put an icon for mozilla on the main panel. If it did, you can usually just click-and-drag it to wherever you want another launcher.
There should be more under KDE help - look up "panels".