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Old 02-08-2005, 09:54 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2004
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Mozilla - profile in use

If I have mozilla open, and then try to open up another instance of it, a dialog titled "Select User Profile" pops up, and asks me to pick a profile before I start mozilla. I have never created a separate profile, so the only profile listed is default. When I choose "default" and click "start mozilla" I get an error message that says "Mozilla cannot use the profile 'default' because it is in use. Please choose another profile or create a new one." I do not have this problem on my gentoo system, only the slack one, what can I do to prevent it from asking me this?

Old 02-08-2005, 09:56 PM   #2
Registered: Sep 2003
Distribution: Slackware, Suse 9.2
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If I'm reading you correctly....

When one profile is open, you cannot open another instance of it. Therefore, you would have to either create another profile or exit the one currently in use.
Old 02-08-2005, 10:26 PM   #3
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if [ -L $mozlock ]; then
	$mozhome -remote "openURL($2,new-tab)"
	$mozhome "$2"
where $mozhome is where moz lives and $mozlock is the lock file buried in my profile in ~/.mozilla. That's just part of a case statement but covers most things (and change $2 to $1 if it's not in a case statement). Call that instead of mozilla. Or search this site - dozens of people have come up with several different workarounds. Or you can just hack a piece out of the startup scripts (the mozilla binary is always wrapped in something) because I once chopped something out of one of them out of curiosity and made it stop, but felt more comfortable doing it this way.

The lockfile and profile warning is a lame-ass workaround for multiple instances sometimes trashing profiles - which they ought to fix instead of annoying every Linux user in the world, but oh well.

Gentoo uses a wrapper for mozilla that is also a workaround for the workaround - I forget what it's called (mozilla-wrapper?), but you can download it from freshmeat.
Old 02-09-2005, 01:03 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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I had the same problem in FC3, I got around it by using MSS (Mozilla Starter Script).

You can check it out at


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