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Old 01-20-2017, 02:25 PM   #16
Registered: Mar 2011
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Please note that nodir posted some links referencing the concepts they introduced and there are examples of those concepts in those links.

Unsure if I had offered this link before in one of your other questions, My Bash script blog this has some useful tips for debugging and various techniques to use when developing bash scripts.

There are some code examples in that blog, but the code is specific to my examples and activity I'm discussing.

For now, the recommendation to stay away from using the output of ls is a good one. Myself I'd find files and use the output of the find command to accomplish my next step actions.

Also, in general I find that file names with special characters, spaces, or added extensions, like .tar.gz, or joes file.xlsx will cause issues with bash scripts or commands unless they are properly coded. I find using double quotes around wildcard or other types of special characters are important.
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Old 01-20-2017, 02:50 PM   #17
LQ Guru
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Obviously not tested, but something like:
current_date=$(date "+_%m%d%Y")
# Make folder
mkdir -p "$windows_folder"

# Change permissions of folder
# This line doesn't make sense.  Above creates a directory in current folder
# why are you chmoding the same folder at the end of some random path???
#chmod 777 /dir1/dir2/dir3/reports/${current_folder}

# Append current date to all files
#for file1 in $(ls *[a-z].xlsx)
for file1 in *[a-z].xlsx
# basefile1=$(echo $file1 |awk -F. '{print $1}')
# current_time=$(date "+_%m%d%Y.xlsx")

# mv $file1 ${basefile1}${current_time}

  mv "$file1" "$windows_folder/${file1%.*}${current_date}.xlsx"

# Create variable
#current_folder=$(date "+%m%d%Y")

# Move files into folder labelled with the current date
#mv *.xlsx "${current_folder}"

# Move whole folder to local shared Windows folder
#mv "${current_folder}" //dir1/dir2/dir3/reports/dir4/dest_folder
I have either commented out your code or left some comments as some parts were confusing. You may need to provide more details, but it should be fairly clear.
Let me know any bits you don't follow?
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Old 01-24-2017, 08:19 AM   #18
Registered: Nov 2016
Location: Atlanta,Georgia
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The code below from Grail solved my issue:
current_date=$(date "+_%m%d%Y")
# Make folder
mkdir -p "$windows_folder"

# Change permissions of folder
# This line doesn't make sense.  Above creates a directory in current folder
# why are you chmoding the same folder at the end of some random path???
#chmod 777 /dir1/dir2/dir3/reports/${current_folder}

# Append current date to all files
#for file1 in $(ls *[a-z].xlsx)
for file1 in *[a-z].xlsx
# basefile1=$(echo $file1 |awk -F. '{print $1}')
# current_time=$(date "+_%m%d%Y.xlsx")

# mv $file1 ${basefile1}${current_time}

  mv "$file1" "$windows_folder/${file1%.*}${current_date}.xlsx"

# Create variable
#current_folder=$(date "+%m%d%Y")

# Move files into folder labelled with the current date
#mv *.xlsx "${current_folder}"

# Move whole folder to local shared Windows folder
#mv "${current_folder}" //dir1/dir2/dir3/reports/dir4/dest_folder
Thank you everyone for your help!!!


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