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Old 11-14-2007, 10:48 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2007
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Mounting with rwx issues (again)...

I have moonshine on my PC and had some questions about rwx access and they were cleared up quite nicely here.
However, I dont really understand how the permissions after the '-o rw'
work. I am currently having the same problems on my live linux distros. I need to be able to remove a virus from a windows PC, and I need the hard drive to have at least rwx------, as it stands it automounts with r-x------. I would prefer rwxrwxrwx if at all possible.

An answer would be great, a primer on mounting with permissions would be stellar. I thought I understood permissions in what Ive read, but it only deals with changing them. I need to understand how to mount them. Thanks again.
Old 11-14-2007, 10:59 AM   #2
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mount -o users option
in case of file do
chmod 777 files
"man chmod" help

Last edited by Tinkster; 11-15-2007 at 03:47 AM. Reason: spam removed
Old 11-14-2007, 01:06 PM   #3
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Mounting DOS/Windows partitions

Okay, so mounting DOS/FAT partitions from Windows is fairly straight-forward, as long as you feel comfortable (as a newbie) using the "root" login on Linux. Just do "mount /dev/whatever /mnt/windows" (assuming /mnt/windows exists). You just need to remove a virus or something, so from this state, you can read/write to this disk. (If not, mea culpa, use -o rw to enable mounting it with read-write). Other users might not have access to this partition, however, unless you further specify which user "owns" that mount. The previous post mentions this.

If you are using NTFS on your windows partition, however, depending on your module version, you may not have the option to mount read-write. (A few years ago, there was an excellent NTFS module that supported read-write; however it was beta, and even as of earlier this year, I had not seen this module in at least on major distribution.) So if this is the case, you need to get that particular module, install it, and mount the disk. There is, in fact, a bootable-CD with this module on it. Google for "rescue disk linux ntfs" or something like that.
Old 11-15-2007, 01:32 PM   #4
Registered: Jul 2007
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im almost positive slax 6.0+ rc can rwx ntfs. i will have to try it with -o rw at the end of the command line and see if it works.

i remember when knoppix had that module but it was 'unstable' so i never tried it. it seems to want to work now i just have to figure out how to set the variables.


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