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Old 12-14-2009, 10:10 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7

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Mounting a Raid 0 with truecrypt on it Ubuntu

First of all let me say that I am a total noob when it comes to linux. I am sick of windows, and decided to install ubuntu on my system. I can get everything to work, I was even able to mount 2 of my drives with Truecrypt, but Ubuntu does not want to mount my raid drives. I really need help, and will really appreciate it!

My system:
15 hard disks:
1 WD 32 gb (10000RPM) this is my windows drive and Ubuntu drive
14 other drives are all 500GB

I have a pretty old motherboard. this motherboad has 8 sata ports allready on it. although 4 of these are NVIDIA sata raid chipset. Then I have 2 sil 3114 SATARaid cards.

System setup:

4 sata (non-raid)
1. 32gb windows xp (partitioned into windows and linux!)
2. 500gb
3. 500gb
4. 500gb

4 sata Nvidia raid controllor (on the motherboard)
these don't actually use a raid. They are individual drives. but they will require to be mounted.
1. 500gb
2. 500gb
3. 500gb
4. 500gb

Sil raid card #1:
1. 500gb, 2. 500gb, 3. 500gb = 1500gb raid 0 (windows this mounts just fine)
Sil raid card #2:
1. 500gb, 2. 500gb = 1000GB raid 0 (mounts fine in windows)
3. 500gb, 4. 500gb = 1000GB raid 0 (mounts fine in windows)

Ubuntu detects all the hard drives in device manager! I installed truecrypt and truecrypt can successfully mount all the encrypted disks from the (MOBO 4 sata non-raid)


I have been trying to figure out, searching for hours on end on how to mount the other drives. BUT I am getting nowhere. If someone don't help me, I am going to have to go back to windows which would be a real shame!

The problem is that linux will not read the SATA raid as 1 big drive. It shows them individually. So I think i will have to mount the drives with dmraid, and then I can just use truecypt to mount them. But I have had no success. I need someone to really help me out here. Step by step what I have to do.

Thanks in advance

Last edited by Chiyo; 12-14-2009 at 10:14 AM.
Old 12-14-2009, 10:22 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: France
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Do you need to use fake raid at all? Is going LVM an option? I'd do that if I were you. LVM is much better than RAID 0 and RAID 1.
Old 12-14-2009, 10:28 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7

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Nope Those drives are almost completely filled. + I need the data to be accessible on both windows and linux.
The thing I don't get though... why won't it just mount? I mean cmon... raid? that should be in linux by now shouldn't it? I could change distro's though. That is an alternative. If there is a Distro that will solve my problem I am switching in 3 seconds. Cause its so confusing. I don't even know if I have to mount the fake raid as NTFS or something else. I tried mounting it as ntfs but then it says not possible. Well even WINDOWS realizes that it is not ntfs, only when the drive is mounted in truecrypt will it show up as ntfs. And thats the biggest thing that is confusing me.
Old 12-14-2009, 10:41 AM   #4
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Registered: Sep 2005
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The command is:
sudo dmraid -ay
That should activate all your fake raid devices.
If that does not work,
sudo dmraid -s
will print some information about the raid devices it found.

Then you can use the /dev/mapper/nvidia_dgicebef device and mount /dev/mapper/nvidia_dgicebefn
Old 12-14-2009, 10:49 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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First of all Thank you so much Agrouf for helping me
Yeh I have already gotten to this point before.
However I have no idea to get beyond this point.

chiyo@chiyo:~$ sudo dmraid -ay
[sudo] password for chiyo:
RAID set "sil_afababaaabab" already active
RAID set "sil_afababaaaacg" already active
RAID set "sil_afababaaaaca" already active
RAID set "sil_afababaaaaag" already active
RAID set "sil_afabababcbba" already active
RAID set "sil_afabababcaca" already active
RAID set "sil_afabababafce" already active
RAID set "sil_afababaaabab1" already active
RAID set "sil_afababaaaacg1" already active
RAID set "sil_afababaaaaca1" already active
RAID set "sil_afababaaaaag1" already active
RAID set "sil_afabababcbba1" already active
RAID set "sil_afabababcaca1" already active
RAID set "sil_afabababafce1" already active

chiyo@chiyo:~$ sudo dmraid -s
*** Active Set
name : sil_afababaaabab
size : 976771630
stride : 0
type : linear
status : ok
subsets: 0
devs : 1
spares : 0
*** Active Set
name : sil_afababaaaacg
size : 976771630
stride : 0
type : linear
status : ok
subsets: 0
devs : 1
spares : 0
*** Active Set
name : sil_afababaaaaca
size : 976771630
stride : 0
type : linear
status : ok
subsets: 0
devs : 1
spares : 0
*** Active Set
name : sil_afababaaaaag
size : 976771630
stride : 0
type : linear
status : ok
subsets: 0
devs : 1
spares : 0
*** Active Set
name : sil_afabababcbba
size : 1953542144
stride : 128
type : stripe
status : ok
subsets: 0
devs : 2
spares : 0
*** Active Set
name : sil_afabababcaca
size : 1953542144
stride : 128
type : stripe
status : ok
subsets: 0
devs : 2
spares : 0
*** Active Set
name : sil_afabababafce
size : 2926118784
stride : 128
type : stripe
status : ok
subsets: 0
devs : 3
spares : 0

But what do I do now? what command do i use? Also don't forget that they are encrypted with truecrypt
Old 12-14-2009, 11:06 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
Posts: 7

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Agrouf would it maybe be possible for you to log into my computer. Since you live in france you aren't that far from belgium, should work fine. Trying to set up vino now. but it only says that local is available for some reason. Must be that the ports are blocked in my router
Old 12-14-2009, 11:23 AM   #7
Senior Member
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Actually you have nothing to do then. dmraid is already active it seems.
Just mount /dev/mapper/sil_afababaaabab1 to wherever you want with truecrypt.
Old 12-14-2009, 11:30 AM   #8
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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Well the problem is that when i try to mount it with truecrypt, that it just wont work! it only finds 2 hard drives to mount. do I have to manually select them? I think the reason why it won't work is because it sees the raids as seperate drives. Although it does something like this 1000gb, then underneith it 500gb. I think I have to combine these 2 into one raid, and then truecrypt will be able to detect it. Or am I completely misunderstanding something? hmpf i am at a point where i am willing to pay people to fix this. Its so frustrating, i just want the drives mounted! I will pay anyone 10usd via paypal if they can fix this problem for me!
Old 12-14-2009, 11:48 AM   #9
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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I have gotten my VNC to work. Anyone willing to help me set this up through vnc? I would be so gratefull
Old 12-14-2009, 12:01 PM   #10
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2009
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Agrouf you are my new hero! you were correct. ALl i had to do was select them with truecrypt. The automount wouldn't work. I have to do them each individually. BUT OMG I am so happy. Thank you so much!
Old 12-15-2009, 01:44 AM   #11
Senior Member
Registered: Sep 2005
Location: France
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I'm happy to see you're happy.


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