Mount NTFS - sorry
Sorry, I know this is a question that many people wil have asked snice the beginning of NT4, but how do I make my Redhat 9 installation able to mount an NTFS volume (that Windows XP is installed on).
Less to do with my question: I am free from Windows now except for the obvious office application problem. I also have a wireless network card that I have not bothered to get working yet. If anyone knows a basic answer, will I have trouble accessing my fathers Win2k PC using the network? Are there any common problem areas?
I am really quite pleased with how, with a little time investment, Linux can slowly become less of an unknown and the whole thing starts to make sense.... Just someone PLEASE improve Open/Star Office and make an alternative to KDE or Gnome that means that no-one will consider using another window manager (then REAL newbies will be familiar with other Linux PCs they start to encounter at work etc...)
Sorry for the length of the message but I felt like mouthing off!