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Old 12-11-2007, 06:24 PM   #1
Registered: Oct 2005
Location: Iowa
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 108

Rep: Reputation: 17
mandriva install changed a windows partition

I have installed Mandriva 2008 That I downloaded free.

I have 2 hard drives a 40 gig with windows XP AND a 100 gig with Mandriva on one partition and the other partition with pictures on it from windows but windows will not read it.

When I partitioned to install mandriva I told it to use the free space I assigned On the large drive but it seems it did something to the 39 gig I assigned to the windows pictures partition.
I want the pictures (*.jpg or *.jpeg) to be read from windows on the jump drive and I would like to make the partition which has the pictures on it and should but must not be a windows directory.

I can read the windows drive and I can read the windows partition with the pictures on it from mandriva but of course neither with the windows OS.

What I want to do is back up the file with pictures to a 2 gig jump drive or flash drive.

What I cannot figure out is a file system manager that I can use to drag and drop the files from one directory to another. I suppose from konsole or terminal I can move or copy or whatever but I want to learn the drag and drop thing and can't find it

I need to set permissions too and don't know how even when I'm in super user mode.

tbrownarcher (nate)
Old 12-12-2007, 06:29 PM   #2
LQ 5k Club
Registered: Oct 2003
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You have 3 questions
1) How to get the pix onto removable media
2) You need root powers because you can't do it in normal account
3) Windows needs to restore some partition info to make that pix partition readable.

1) insert a usb....wait.....a dialog box should appear and you choose the top option to OPEN.....file manager Konqueror normal permission mode.

leave it open there....note its pathway may be /media/disk/

We are lacking info but I will ask that at the bottom if above is not correct.

b) Click on your house icon on the desktop and open another session of Konqueror but navigate to the pix directory.

are you able to see the pix? Your post says so in Mdv so press control key and a (for select all) then control and c for copy .....or pull down menu Edit/Selection/select all then copy.....saves all pix to clipboard

c) click back into usb Konqueror and create a folder to save the pix say press it into control and v for paste or use pulldown Edit/paste....wait for all pix to load and double check they are there.

DD) if you want to drag and copy then into do not open a separate file you have opened it to media/disk(something) ...create a folder for pix on usb.....then naviage to pix folder....maybe /mnt/sda2? then select all....then (if right handed) holding left mouse down drag to /media/disk/pix folder

2) I can not see why (1) won't work based on your sentence...I can read the windows partition with the pictures on it from mandriva

You will need to explain what you are doing and what error or what you can not do for help here.

3) More info is required sorry.

tell us exactly your partition table on the xp drive and its type eg

ide or scsi or sata (internal) or external usb blah blah

one partition all is C or
c is primary
one logical

Ditto for linux/pix partition but when you are in linux
post the output of your /etc/fstab please

Does your bios boot xp drive or the linux drive?

Can you remember did you put grub into xp drive or linux drive?

Are you using some other boot loader and what is it?

Last edited by aus9; 12-12-2007 at 06:33 PM.


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