mandriva install changed a windows partition
I have installed Mandriva 2008 That I downloaded free.
I have 2 hard drives a 40 gig with windows XP AND a 100 gig with Mandriva on one partition and the other partition with pictures on it from windows but windows will not read it.
When I partitioned to install mandriva I told it to use the free space I assigned On the large drive but it seems it did something to the 39 gig I assigned to the windows pictures partition.
I want the pictures (*.jpg or *.jpeg) to be read from windows on the jump drive and I would like to make the partition which has the pictures on it and should but must not be a windows directory.
I can read the windows drive and I can read the windows partition with the pictures on it from mandriva but of course neither with the windows OS.
What I want to do is back up the file with pictures to a 2 gig jump drive or flash drive.
What I cannot figure out is a file system manager that I can use to drag and drop the files from one directory to another. I suppose from konsole or terminal I can move or copy or whatever but I want to learn the drag and drop thing and can't find it
I need to set permissions too and don't know how even when I'm in super user mode.
tbrownarcher (nate)