Mandrake9.1 + 1Gig RAM = Install Problems?
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to install Mandrake 9.1 dual boot with Windows XP. It gives me the welcome screen where i can press F1 or ENTER for more options or install, but if i hit enter the screen goes blank and sits there. I have read on various forums that this seems to happen to people who have 1GIG or more of ram, but i want to know if everyone has had experience with this and what their solution was.
If i just remove some of the ram, do the install and put the ram back in will that work? also, i heard people talk about pressing F1 and typing "linux vga=0" to do a textual install. Other people were talking about a need to edit a kernel, or recompile it before you install. I am a big confused about which is the right option, or if this is not really the problem.
If it is the ram though, i wonder why i was able to install dual boot with mandrake just last week at a computer at work which was made by dell and had 1 gig of ram.
Thanks in advance for any help!!
Here are my system specs;
Athlon XP 1900+
1 Gig PC 2700 RAM
Epox 8k5a+ Motherboard
TDK cdr
Geforce 4 ti4200
Many hard drives including a RAID 0 Array on the Highpoint raid controller on my motherboard (that holds the winXP install), Linux will go on an IDE IBM 8.4 gig HD put as primary master