I am unfamiliar with Ultraiso. That is not necessarily a problem. You will find instructions at this link
http://linuxiso.org/viewdoc.php/isofaq.html for burning and checking MD5summs. There is a Windoze tool for doing the MD5sum. Once that program has calculated the MD5sum, you have to look at the Mandrake site ( there are others ) for the MD5sum that is correct. Do a visual comparison. My experience has shown me if there is a problem, the two MD5sums are quite different.
Note there are also instructions for burning the ISO images.
Once you have good CD's, and if you still have trouble installing, post back with details of any error messages you receive, and the point of failure. I had some difficulty with pre-release MDK 10.1. It would not recognize my CDrom, part way through the install.
Good luck...