......yes installing everything is not a good idea, but as I cannot understand how to ensure if gcc is installed,until your tip from your previous post I thought, this would be best temporary option until I know what I am doing.
Anyhow I did as You suggested, the "locate gcc" showed me
tradcpp0 and cpp0 in gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96 directory
some stuff in share/ghostscript/ etc etc
and lots files in
/gnome-users-guide [*.png files ].
running the 'rpm -qa | grep gcc' command gave me no result, after a small delay.
I am assuming that the gcc package is within the development part on the redhat installation cd - running the gnome rpm I see that all from this package is installed but for
might there be some command i can use at root to install this from the cd ?
thank You again for your kind reply