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Old 12-04-2016, 06:36 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: US / EU
Distribution: Fedora 31
Posts: 225

Rep: Reputation: 29
MAC ID changing in Fedora 25 - what's changed?

I'm struggling to figure out what's changed / how to deal with how Fedora 25 deals with MAC ID changing. In my old Fedora (20 I think?) I would just do some variant of sudo ifconfig wlp4s0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:ETC::, but now, this does not work entirely on Fedora 25. There's a noted difference between Current MAC and Permanent MAC, and I just can't seem to be able to change that Permanent MAC. So this begs the question - is it changeable? Or am I stuck with the actual hardware MAC? I know this is an issue that others have had, since I've seen numerous postings in doing my research (Ubuntu, too) - but I have not found any solutions to this.

I appreciate any help. Thanks!
Old 12-05-2016, 01:09 AM   #2
Madhu Desai
Registered: Mar 2013
Distribution: Rocky, Fedora, Ubuntu
Posts: 541

Rep: Reputation: 153Reputation: 153
Originally Posted by ziphem View Post
I'm struggling to figure out what's changed / how to deal with how Fedora 25 deals with MAC ID changing. In my old Fedora (20 I think?) I would just do some variant of sudo ifconfig wlp4s0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:ETC::, but now, this does not work entirely on Fedora 25. There's a noted difference between Current MAC and Permanent MAC, and I just can't seem to be able to change that Permanent MAC. So this begs the question - is it changeable? Or am I stuck with the actual hardware MAC? I know this is an issue that others have had, since I've seen numerous postings in doing my research (Ubuntu, too) - but I have not found any solutions to this.

I appreciate any help. Thanks!
You cannot change Permanent MAC address. However, you can make another MAC address active, which is used by your machine. Try using macchanger package.

You'll get Permanent address by
# ethtool -P <interface>
Permanent address: d0:50:99:9b:a2:40

# macchanger -s <interface>
Current MAC:   d0:50:99:9b:a2:40 (ASRock Incorporation)
Permanent MAC: d0:50:99:9b:a2:40 (ASRock Incorporation)
Changing MAC address to any random:
# macchanger -r <interface>
Current MAC:   d0:50:99:9b:a2:40 (ASRock Incorporation)
Permanent MAC: d0:50:99:9b:a2:40 (ASRock Incorporation)
New MAC:       ca:6e:2c:f3:7c:3b (unknown)
Manually changing MAC accress:
# macchanger -m 88:88:88:88:88:88 <interface>
Current MAC:   ca:6e:2c:f3:7c:3b (unknown)
Permanent MAC: d0:50:99:9b:a2:40 (ASRock Incorporation)
New MAC:       88:88:88:88:88:88 (unknown)
List known vendor's first three octets. You can give any last three octets as you like. This masquerades you MAC address as from some genuine vendor.
# macchanger -l <interface> | grep -i 'novell inc'
0027 - 00:00:1b - NOVELL INC.

# macchanger -m 00:00:1b:88:88:88 <interface>
Current MAC:   88:88:88:88:88:88 (unknown)
Permanent MAC: d0:50:99:9b:a2:40 (ASRock Incorporation)
New MAC:       00:00:1b:88:88:88 (NOVELL INC.)
Hope it helped.


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