One of the reasons you aren't getting many responses is that this USB adapter doesn't seem to work really well with Linux. I tried getting one to work last week and while I did get it to connect to my wireless router and was able to connect to Mozilla but that was about as far as I got. I couldn't share files with other systems and for some strange reason, while I was surfing the web all the other computers connected on my network were unable to! Very strange.... Anyway, I'm switching to a Linksys USB adapter but haven't gone out and purchased it yet so don't know how well it works besides reading about it on the HCL list.
If you really want to wrestle with the MA111, I'd suggest joining the wlan-ng user mailing list and someone there can give you the step-by-step instrructions you are looking for. I'd help but I've tried so many packages, options and scripts that I'm not sure exactly how I've gotten to where I am currently.... Good luck!
--- chris