Im attempting to turn an old pc of mine into a pvr useing MythTV. I have madrake 10.0 installed on it.
Currently I have limited disk space so in following the mythtv how-to, Im attempting to set up a logical vloume useing LVM2 so when I can afford to add more disk space later, it will be easier?
so after some head scratching, doc searching, man page reading, I figured out fdisk and created a partition useing type 8e for LVM. used pvcreate on it succesfully and then vgcreate, though I got a strange error msg about my cdrom?
[root@localhost /]# vgcreate VGforMyth -s 64m /dev/hdb1
/dev/cdrom: open failed: Read-only file system
Volume group "VGforMyth" successfully created
[root@localhost /]#
so the next step in the MythTV how-to was to use lvcreate. but I got the following errors.
[root@localhost /]# lvcreate --name video --size 3G VGforMyth
/dev/cdrom: open failed: Read-only file system
/dev/mapper/control: open failed: No such file or directory
Is device-mapper driver missing from kernel?
Failed to activate new LV.
[root@localhost /]#
So I dug around a bit searching for answers, i found a dev mapper package, i forget the exact name, installed it. tried the lvcreate again.
[root@localhost /]# lvcreate --name video --size 3G VGforMyth
/dev/cdrom: open failed: Read-only file system
Logical volume "video" already exists in volume group "VGforMyth"
[root@localhost /]#
thinking the device-mapper error was just an anomaly simmilare to the cd rom messages, I thought I was ready to move on so I tried to put a file system on my logical volume.
[root@localhost /]# mkreiserfs /dev/VGforMyth/video
mkreiserfs 3.6.11
stat failed: No such file or directory
[root@localhost /]#
searching around some more, I found this in a LVM faq.
4.1.2. I get errors about /dev/mapper/control when I try to use the LVM 2 tools. What's going on?
The primary cause of this is not having run the script after rebooting into a dm capable kernel. This script generates the control node for device mapper.
I don't seem to have the script though so this did not help yet.
I tried removing my logical volume.
[root@localhost dev]# lvremove /dev/VGforMyth/video
/dev/cdrom: open failed: Read-only file system
/dev/mapper/control: open failed: No such file or directory
Is device-mapper driver missing from kernel?
Unable to deactivate logical volume "video"
[root@localhost dev]#
then I tried to add it back but got the same error that it already exists still.
Sorry for the long post, I wasn't sure how to state my exact problem with out examples. again Im running mandrake 10.0.
so my questions,
1. How do I install a device mapper?
2. why are the LVM tools trying to open my cdrom?
3. (somewhat related) my /etc/fstab file still has mappings to mount the partions I erased with fdisk, will I need to erase them and add one for my new logical volume if I ever get it created?
Thanks for any tips or advice you can give this confused linux newb.