Failed command was: ifconfig wlan0 up
This command can fail for several reasons. Most common are the driver is not loaded, or the system has assigned a different name than wlan0.
I have a Mini 1000 also. However, there are many versions of that machine. My wifi works, once I configured it. If you could run a few commands and post the results, we can see if we can get it going.
Open a console ( a command prompt ). BTW, never used 'lucid puppy'. So there may be some learning to do there.
As root, run the command 'lspci' and post the results. That will tell us the card type you have.
As root, run the command 'ifconfig' this will list all known interfaces. A driver has to be loaded to make the interface show up.
As root, run the command 'lsmod' and this will show the loaded module ( drivers ).
Have you done anything to configure the card? Since I'm not familiar with lucid puppy, what tools do you have for displaying network interfaces? Network Manager, and WICD are two programs to control interfaces, and display their status.
Post back, we'll see if we can help out.