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Old 06-20-2003, 01:56 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Quebec, Canada
Distribution: RedHat8.0/Mandrake9.1
Posts: 4

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ltsp dhcp distribution to terminals problem

I'm not sure if my ltsp server gives out dhcp addresses correctly.
Due to some problems (not related to this one), I had to reinstall the kit completely. Before the second installation, it used to be OK on my first PC (see below) but I was not able at the time to create the boot disk for my other machines (see below).
Here are some details on the 2 different types of terminals I use:

1) My laptop (Toshiba Satellite, C-900...) has been tried twice on ltsp servers (mine before the second instalation, and on my friend's). This particular laptop does not require any boot disk, it automatically checks for dhcp, finds it and starts as a terminal. It did work by doing nothing to it.

Now all it does at boot time when plugged on my ltsp server is:
CLIENT MAC ADDRESS: 00 00 39 D7 91 84
PXE-E32: TFTP open timeout
TFTP... (searching for about 2 minutes, repeats it 3 times and then exits to normal boot)

2) My real terminals are P-200 with PCI Intel Pro/100+. I just found out that I had to use rawrite to create my boot disks. I'm not sure 100% they are perfect since it was difficult to choose the correct NIC/ROM. I'll find out if they work after my laptop will have proven me the whole systems is OK.

Any hint about where to look? Configuration of the server's eth0 are: (sorry if the English terms are not exact, my machine is in French)
static IP configuration

(IP) (NAME)localhost.localdomain (ALIAS)localhost
(IP) (NAME)ws001.ltsp (ALIAS) ws001
and so on up to .253
(IP) (NAME)server.ltsp (ALIAS)server

If just not very familiar with all the relations between HOST, DNS, DHCP and so on...

Please help. I'm trying to this network working in a high school. I'm not a technician and I want to get this running all by myself cause the techs don't want to hear anything about Linux. This little achievement, if I can succeed this could be the first step for them into serious reflections.
Old 06-20-2003, 02:13 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Scotland
Distribution: Slackware, RedHat, Debian
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Rep: Reputation: 79
Take a look at this section of the documentation:

If you still have problems then post the results of these tests (eg which passed and which failed)


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